Experiments were conducted to investigate the potential allelopathic effects of Acioa barteri, Cassia siamea, Gmelina arborea and Flemingia macrophylla leaf material on the germination of maize and early growth of cassava cuttings. Incubation of maize seeds with freshly added G. arborea and C. si...
Hauser, S.
[Effect of Acioa barteri, Cassia siamea, Flemingia macrophylla and Gmelina arborea leaves on germination and early development of maize and cassava]
Effect of Acioa barteri, Cassia siamea, Flemingia macrophylla and Gmelina arborea leaves on germination and early development of maize and cassava
Smith, J.
Weber, G.
Manyong, Victor M.
Fakorede, M.A.B.
[Fostering sustainable increases in maize productivity in Nigeria]
Fostering sustainable increases in maize productivity in Nigeria
Le mals constitue l'une des principales cul-tures cerealieres dans Ie monde. II peut etre utilise pour l'aIimentation humsine et animale ainsi qu'it des fins industrielles. II existe de nombreuses methodes tradi-tionnelles et industrielles de transformation du mals. Les procedes industriels assur...
Okoruwa, A.
[Utilisation et transformation du mais: guide de recherche de lIita, No. 35]
Utilisation et transformation du mais: guide de recherche de lIita, No. 35
Molecular characterization is important for efficient utilization of germplasm and development of improved varieties. In the present study, we investigated the genetic purity, relatedness and population structure of 265 maize inbred lines from the Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIA...
Ertiro, B.T.
Semagn, K.
Das, B.
Olsen, M.
Labuschagne, M.T.
Worku, M.
Wegary, D.
Azmach, G.
Ogugo, V.
Keno, T.
Abebe, B.
Chibsa, T.
Menkir, A.
[Genetic variation and population structure of maize inbred lines adapted to the midaltitude sub-humid maize agro-ecology of Ethiopia using single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers]
Genetic variation and population structure of maize inbred lines adapted to the midaltitude sub-humid maize agro-ecology of Ethiopia using single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers
Newby, Jonathan C.
[Prospects, Challenges, and Opportunity for cassava in global market]
Prospects, Challenges, and Opportunity for cassava in global market
In view of the considerable potential for increasing food production through the generation and use of new agricultural technology,
many developing countries have invested in agricultural research and extension. However, the issue of whether he intended production gains from new technologies hav...
Alene, Arega D.
[Unexploited yield and profitability potentials of improved varietal technologies: the case of hybrid maize in Western Ethiopia]
Unexploited yield and profitability potentials of improved varietal technologies: the case of hybrid maize in Western Ethiopia
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[CS Agriculture to launch two highly nutritious flours to address nutrition security]
CS Agriculture to launch two highly nutritious flours to address nutrition security
Parasitism of crop plants by Striga species is a major constraint in the savanna zones of West Africa. Farmers ranked Striga as a leading constraint during a livelihood analysis of 30 communities in northeast Nigeria. A field survey was conducted to ascertain the extent of infestation by Striga s...
Dugje, I.Y.
Kamara, A.
Omoigui, L.O.
[Infestation of crop fields by Striga species in the savanna zones of northeast Nigeria]
Infestation of crop fields by Striga species in the savanna zones of northeast Nigeria
Stem and cob borers cause substantial damage to maize and affect the quality and economic value of maize in West Africa. Manipulation of planting dates is considered a possible mechanism for averting the overall impact of borers and their damage to the crop. Experiments were carried out in southe...
Adda, C.
Atachi, P.
Hell, K.
Korie, S.
Tamo, M.
[Effect of planting date on incidence and damage by Sesamia calamistis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in maize in southern Benin]
Effect of planting date on incidence and damage by Sesamia calamistis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in maize in southern Benin