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En Nicaragua el café ocupa el tercer lugar de la superficie cultivada (11%) y, después del maíz y del frijol, es el rubro agrícola que más contribuye al PIB (10%). El 96% de las fincas cafetaleras están en manos de pequeños productores (menos de 20 manzanas1), los cuales representan un 50% del ár...
Key Messages • A governance approach, combining public policy and private initiatives was effective in slowing down deforestation, but was unable to support a transition to more sustainable production systems. • New technical intensification models must be identified for low-productivity systems...
Smallholders in developing countries produce, on a very rough estimate, 5% of total global greenhouse gas emissions. This figure includes emissions due to both agriculture and land use change for agriculture. Mitigation actions in smallholder agriculture now could support farm livelihoods and mor...
Preliminary results from climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives in the Nyando climate-smart villages. Key messages include: shift in farming techniques reduces number of households eating one or no meals each day, households adopt three to five crop innovations and above, greatly ex...
Achieving economic growth while reducing poverty in an equitable manner demands that governments in Sub-Saharan Africa commit actions and resources to address gender inequalities, even more so under a changing climate which is expected to widen social inequalities (Dankelman, 2012). International...
Arabica coffee production provides the principal source of monetary income for many smallholder households throughout the mountainous regions of Central America. Coffee agroecosystems serve several functions, which can include supporting livelihoods, and providing ecosystem services (e.g. carbon ...
El café representa el rubro principal de exportación de Centroamérica generando en todo su ciclo empleo y divisas además incidir positivamente en aspectos sociales, ambientales y económicos de las zonas donde se explota este cultivo. Desde el punto de vista económico el café representa el princip...
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