The Potato Park, located in Pisaq in the Sacred Valley of Peru, is one of the few in-situ conservation initiatives in the world where the local people are managing and protecting local genetic resources and traditional knowledge about their health, food, and agriculture. About 600 varieties of na...
The project will adopt a value chain approach and will build the capacity of farmers and farmers’ organizations (FOs) and their service providers (SPs) (e.g. NARES, NGOs, input suppliers, etc.) to ensure that technical innovations as well as improved access to yam markets will sustainably benefit...
A new approach to cost-benefit analysis that aims to first discover how a community can best adapt to climate change, and then uses stakeholder participation to measure the costs and benefits of the priority interventions. It is a participatory method for discovering the costs and benefits (econo...
Farmer field school is used as an approach to managing pests and diseases. It center around a 'living laboratory' where farmers are trained to identify insects and diseases and compare results on two subplots – one using conventional chemical pest control and the other using IPM. On the improved ...
The purpose of the project is to enhance adaptation to climate variability through effective knowledge sharing processes in vulnerable ecosystems of the arid and semi arid lands (ASALs) of Kenya. This involves development and adaptation of methods that render mutual learning between livestock kee...
Gonsalves, Julian
[Mutual learning of livestock keepers and scientists for adaptation to climate change in pastoral areas]
Mutual learning of livestock keepers and scientists for adaptation to climate change in pastoral areas
The Plataformas are alliances between farmers and suppliers of agricultural services, including research institutes, NGOs, universities, and local governments that facilitate key knowledge-sharing and learning events. It also links smallholders’ organizations to higher value markets for their pro...
Improving pig feed systems and scaling out by linking with multiple development partners through a pig systems learning alliance. Evidence of impact – both direct and indirect; thematic focus of the learning alliance was considered a key to the impacts.
The Future Scenarios initiative works in a participatory and interactive way with technical advisors and other key stakeholders in East and West Africa to build some up pictures of different worlds, or narratives, that identify the uncertainties that policy-makers may be faced with at the regiona...