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Game, E.T.Meijaard, E.Sheil, D.McDonald-Madden, E.[Conservation in a wicked complex world: challenges and solutions]Conservation in a wicked complex world: challenges and solutions
Schulze, K.Knights, K.Geldmann, J.Leverington, F.Eassom, A.Marr, M.Butchart, S.H.M.Hockings, M.Burgess, N.D.Coad, L.[An assessment of threats to terrestrial protected areas]An assessment of threats to terrestrial protected areas
Center for International Forestry Research[Laporan Tahunan 2015: Bentang Alam Baru untuk Kehutanan]Laporan Tahunan 2015: Bentang Alam Baru untuk Kehutanan
Center for International Forestry Research[Rapport Annuel 2015: Changement de paysage pour la foresterie]Rapport Annuel 2015: Changement de paysage pour la foresterie
McConnachie, M.M.Romero, C.Ferraro, P.J.Wilgen, B.W. van[Improving credibility and transparency of conservation impact evaluations through the partial identification approach]Improving credibility and transparency of conservation impact evaluations through the partial identification approach
Emongor, RosemaryEsilaba, Anthony O.Munyasi, JWNyamwaro, Sospeter S.Maina, INMiruka, KMWekesa, LKiber, PK[Appraisal of information communication needs for mainstreaming integrated natural resource management into organizations in the Makueni county, Kenya]Appraisal of information communication needs for mainstreaming integrated natural resource management into organizations in the Makueni county, Kenya
International Livestock Research Institute[Interim medium-term plan for the International Livestock Research Institute]Interim medium-term plan for the International Livestock Research Institute
Westermann, OlafGuerrero, MP[Presentación de la metodología: análisis de grupos de interés]Presentación de la metodología: análisis de grupos de interés

This article presents a pilot and baseline African Green Growth Index (AGGI). The work is premised on the importance of Africa implementing green growth strategies. Baseline indicators allow countries to monitor progress towards green growth transition. The AGGI incorporates 48 indicators applied...

Kararach, G.Nhamo, G.Mubila, M.Nhamo, S.Nhemachena, CharlesBabu, S.[Reflections on the Green Growth Index for developing countries: a focus of selected African countries]Reflections on the Green Growth Index for developing countries: a focus of selected African countries
Beltrán Giraldo, Jorge AlonsoTijerino, DVernooy, Ronnie[Desarrollo de procesos organizativos a nivel local para el manejo colectivo de los recursos naturales]Desarrollo de procesos organizativos a nivel local para el manejo colectivo de los recursos naturales

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