Safety and wholesomeness of milk intended for human consumption are influenced by various interlinked factors. However, information on what these factors are, especially in the pastoral traditional communities of Ethiopia, is largely lacking. The objective of this study is to assess th...
Amenu, K.
Wieland, Barbara
Szonyi, Barbara
Grace, Delia
[Milk handling practices and consumption behavior among Borana pastoralists in southern Ethiopia]
Milk handling practices and consumption behavior among Borana pastoralists in southern Ethiopia
Centre International pour l'Elevage en Afrique
[Bulletin du CIPEA No. 9 - Projets de Development Pastoral]
Bulletin du CIPEA No. 9 - Projets de Development Pastoral
Production of livestock and dairy products in Sub-Saharan Africa has not kept pace with growing demand. The potential exists to close this gap in a climate-friendly way through the introduction of improved forage varieties of the Brachiaria genus. We assess the potential economic impact of the de...
Gonzáles, Carlos
Schiek, Benjamin
Mwendia, Solomon W.
Prager, Steven D.
[Improved forages and milk production in East Africa. A case study in the series: Economic foresight for understanding the role of investments in agriculture for the global food system]
Improved forages and milk production in East Africa. A case study in the series: Economic foresight for understanding the role of investments in agriculture for the global food system
Holmann, Federico J.
Argel M., Pedro J.
Pérez, E.
[Beneficios de la adopción de pasturas mejoradas en fincas de pequeños productores en Centroamérica : Análisis expost]
Beneficios de la adopción de pasturas mejoradas en fincas de pequeños productores en Centroamérica : Análisis expost
Factors affecting milk production in the Butana are investigated. Production records of 353 Butana cows with 1,311 calvings during the years 1943-57 from a governmental dairy farm herd on the north of Atbara, Sudan were analysed. Heifers averaged 44 months old at first calving. The average interv...
Alim, K.A.
[Environmental and genetic factors affecting milk production of Butana cattle in the Sudan]
Environmental and genetic factors affecting milk production of Butana cattle in the Sudan
Presents preliminary results of research on feed resource development conducted in the subhumid Kenyan coast. The studies are divided into two-systems studies and component studies. The systems studies include experiments on fodder production based on napier grass var. Bana grown in leucaena alle...
Mureithi, J.G.
[Collaborative research programme on smallholder dairy production in coastal subhumid zone. Research on feed resource development. Background, proposals and preliminary results]
Collaborative research programme on smallholder dairy production in coastal subhumid zone. Research on feed resource development. Background, proposals and preliminary results
Holmann, Federico J.
Peck, DC
[El daño económico por cercópidos en regiones ganaderas de Colombia]
El daño económico por cercópidos en regiones ganaderas de Colombia
Fujisaka, Sam
Holmann, Federico J.
Peters, Michael
Schmidt, A
White, D.
Burgos, C.
Ordóñez, JC
Mena Urbina, Martin A.
Posas, M
Cruz, H.
Davis, C.
Hincapié Carvajal, Belisario
[Estrategias para minimizar la escasez de forrajes en zonas con sequías prolongadas: Honduras y Nicaragua]
Estrategias para minimizar la escasez de forrajes en zonas con sequías prolongadas: Honduras y Nicaragua
Rivas Ríos, Libardo
Holmann, Federico J.
[Impacto económico potencial de la adopción de nuevos híbridos de Brachiaria resistentes al salivazo: Llanos Orientales y Costa Norte de Colombia]
Impacto económico potencial de la adopción de nuevos híbridos de Brachiaria resistentes al salivazo: Llanos Orientales y Costa Norte de Colombia
Dirección de Ciencia y Tecnología Agropecuaria. Honduras
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Cratylia argentea: leguminosa arbustiva adaptada a las zonas secas y sub-húmedas de Honduras]
Cratylia argentea: leguminosa arbustiva adaptada a las zonas secas y sub-húmedas de Honduras