The animal science systems group at Texas A & M University (TAMU) has developed a computer based beef cattle production model for use in tropical countries. This model can be used to predict animal and herd productivity under a variety of management regions in diverse environments. Economic analy...
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Mathematical modelling of livestock production systems: Application of the Texas A & M University beef cattle production model to Botswana]
Mathematical modelling of livestock production systems: Application of the Texas A & M University beef cattle production model to Botswana
Description of geographical aspects of the Subhumid Zone of West Africa and economic and sociological aspects of the Fulani ethnic group, w. emphasis on fodder resources, range management, livestock raising, livestock management, and animal diseases, w. analysis of land use & land development str...
International Livestock Centre for Africa
[Livestock production in the subhumid zone of West Africa : A regional review]
Livestock production in the subhumid zone of West Africa : A regional review
Esta publicación es el resultado de un proceso de sistematización participativo desarrollado por el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) para el Proyecto “Alianza para la Creación de Oportunidades de Desarrollo Rural a través de Relaciones Agro-empresariales” (ACORDAR, por sus sigl...
Proyecto ACORDAR
[ACORDAR Relaciones que dan Fruto. Sistematización de una Experiencia de Construcción de Cadenas de Valor]
ACORDAR Relaciones que dan Fruto. Sistematización de una Experiencia de Construcción de Cadenas de Valor
Maize is a major cereal crop. Worldwide, wheat, maize, and rice are produced in greater quantities than any other crop. Of these crops, maize has the highest average yield per hectare. Maize is a good source of energy for both humans and animals. It is high-yielding, easy to process and readily d...
Shanley, P.
Cymerys, M.
Medina, G.
Serra, M.
[Fruit Trees and Useful Plants in Amazonian Lives]
Fruit Trees and Useful Plants in Amazonian Lives
There is a considerable gap between the science of conservation biology and the design and execution of biodiversity conservation projects in the field. Science is often failing to inform the practice of conservation, which remains largely experience-based. The main reason is the poor accessibili...
Sunderland, T.C.H.
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Minh-Ha, H.
[Evidence-based conservation: lessons from the Lower Mekong]
Evidence-based conservation: lessons from the Lower Mekong
Minimum-tillage has several advantages over conventional tillage. It is especially beneficial for tropical soils, which are easily ruined by conventional tillage operations. Minimum-tillage, strip-tillage and no-till farming can also save energy and labor costs.
Kaguongo, W.
Nyangweso, A.
Mutunga, J.
Nderitu, John
Lung'aho, C.
Ng'ang'a, N.
Kipkoech, D.
Kabira, J.
Gathumbi, M.
Njane, P.
Irungu, J.
Onyango, A.
Borus, D.
Schulte-Geldermann, Elmar
[A policymakers’ guide to crop diversification: The case of the potato in Kenya.]
A policymakers’ guide to crop diversification: The case of the potato in Kenya.
This book is an extensive revision and enlargement of a 1986 publication ‘Multipurpose Australian trees and shrubs: lesser-known species for fuelwood and agroforestry’. It is intended as a reference text for all those concerned with selecting and growing trees and shrubs in rural areas of develo...
Doran, J.C.
Turnbull, J.W.
[Australian trees and shrubs: species for land rehabilitation and farm planting]
Australian trees and shrubs: species for land rehabilitation and farm planting
Indonesia contains some of the world's most biodiverse and threatened forests. The challenges result from both long-term management problems and the political, social, and economic turmoil of the past few years. This book explores recent events in Indonesia, while focusing on what can be done dif...
Resosudarmo, I.A.P.
Colfer, C.J.P.
[Ke mana harus melangkah?: masyarakat, hutan, dan perumusan kebijakan di Indonesia]
Ke mana harus melangkah?: masyarakat, hutan, dan perumusan kebijakan di Indonesia