For over eighty years, wool and mohair sales have provided Lesotho with its largest exports and with its largest domestically-generated sources of income. Presently, fleeces are marketed through any of three outlets: private traders, a government-sponsored marketing service, or, illegally, throug...
Hunter, J.P.
Mokitimi, N.L.
[The evolution of the wool and mohair marketing system in Lesotho: Implication for policy and institutional reform]
The evolution of the wool and mohair marketing system in Lesotho: Implication for policy and institutional reform
The general stresses and problems that have to be addressed in establishing sustainable mountain agriculture include rapid population growth; farming on slopes and the associated erosion; remoteness and poor infrastructure resulting in poor access to markets and services; limited job opportunitie...
Kaufmann, Ralph R. von
Mohamed-Saleem, M.A.
[Animal agriculture and watershed management: Reconciling public and private good]
Animal agriculture and watershed management: Reconciling public and private good
During the past decades, many composting projects have been implemented with the assistance from various donor agencies to address the municipal solid waste (MSW) problem in developing countries, especially in urban areas. However, very few of these projects are sustainable and many were reported...
Sinnathamby, V.
Paul, Johannes G.
Dasanayaka, S. W. S. B.
Gunawardena, S. H. P.
Fernando, Sudarshana
[Factors affecting sustainability of municipal solid waste composting projects in Sri Lanka]
Factors affecting sustainability of municipal solid waste composting projects in Sri Lanka
This paper investigates the spatial dimension of power relations and the shaping of local alliances through a hydropower development project in Nepal. It provides a grass-roots illustration on the role of space in shaping and reshaping power relations, and how it manifests in the formation of loc...
Suhardiman, Diana
Karki, Emma
[Spatial politics and local alliances shaping Nepal hydropower]
Spatial politics and local alliances shaping Nepal hydropower
Estrada, R.D.
Holmann, Federico J.
Posada Torres, Rafael
[Farmer and industry funding of agricultural research in Colombia]
Farmer and industry funding of agricultural research in Colombia
Amarnath, Giriraj
Sikka, Alok K.
[Satellite data offers new hope for flood-stricken farmers in India]
Satellite data offers new hope for flood-stricken farmers in India
Scott, Gregory J.
Suarez, V.
[Limits to growth or growth to the limits? Trends and projections for potatoes in China and their implications for industry.]
Limits to growth or growth to the limits? Trends and projections for potatoes in China and their implications for industry.
In an attempt to dynamize national livestock production, the Colombian public and private sectors have joined efforts in research and technology transfer at the level of farm enterprises. Research activities involve the characterization of the principal livestock production systems in 22 micro-re...
Torres, O.D.
Herrera, J.P.
Zalzuk, J.S.
Holmann, Federico J.
[Analisis de alternativas tecnologicas de los sistemas de produccion agropecuarios en el valle del Cesar, Colombia. (Analysis of technological alternatives for agricultural production systems in the Cesar valley, Colombia)]
Analisis de alternativas tecnologicas de los sistemas de produccion agropecuarios en el valle del Cesar, Colombia. (Analysis of technological alternatives for agricultural production systems in the Cesar valley, Colombia)
This paper presents a methodology employed in reconciling demands of households, private sector, and government on miombo woodlands of Southern Africa. A Weighted Goal Programming approach is presented for planning management and use of the woodlands as well as a framework for policy analysis. Th...
Nhantumbo, I.
Kowero, G.S.
[A goal programming model for planning management of Miombo woodlands]
A goal programming model for planning management of Miombo woodlands