The composition of fat in bovine milk has relevance in human health, where polyunsaturated fatty acids such as conjugated linoleic acid (ALC c9 t11) have positive effects (anticarcinogenic, antidiabetogenic). There are investigations regarding the effect of bovine feeding on milk quality in tempe...
Mojica-Rodríguez, José Edwin
Castro-Rincón, Edwin
Carulla-Fornaguera, Juan Evangelista
Lascano-Aguilar, Carlos Eduardo
[Perfil lipídico en leche de vacas en pastoreo de gramíneas en el trópico seco colombiano = Lipid profile in milk of grazing cows in the colombian dry tropics]
Perfil lipídico en leche de vacas en pastoreo de gramíneas en el trópico seco colombiano = Lipid profile in milk of grazing cows in the colombian dry tropics
Kurwijila, Lusato R.
Mosha, C.J.S.
Omore, Amos O.
Lore, Tezira A.
[Harmonization and equivalence in milk and dairy products standards - moving towards regional trade blocks: case study from East Africa.]
Harmonization and equivalence in milk and dairy products standards - moving towards regional trade blocks: case study from East Africa.
This study was conducted to characterize the traditional milk production and marketing system, and to identify constraints and opportunities for further development. It was conducted in Mieso District of Oromia Regional State, located 300 km east of Addis Ababa and at about 200 km east of Adama. ...
Hussen, K.
Tegegne, Azage
Kurtu, M.Y.
Gebremedhin, Berhanu
[Traditional cow and camel milk production and marketing in agropastoral and mixed crop-livestock systems: the case of Mieso District, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia]
Traditional cow and camel milk production and marketing in agropastoral and mixed crop-livestock systems: the case of Mieso District, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia
This study was conducted in Fogera woreda, South Gondar Zone of the Amhara National
Regional State in northwestern Ethiopia in 2005/06. The aim was to characterize cattle
milk and meat production and marketing systems, identify the major constraints and
provide development interventions for more ...
Anteneh, B.
Tegegne, Azage
Beyene, F.
Gebremedhin, Berhanu
[Cattle milk and meat production and marketing systems and opportunities for market-orientation in Fogera woreda, Amhara region, Ethiopia]
Cattle milk and meat production and marketing systems and opportunities for market-orientation in Fogera woreda, Amhara region, Ethiopia
A set of pre-formulated hypotheses about the potentials of inland valleys to agricultural production in general, and livestock (dairy) - based enterprises in particular, were tested with data collected from five regions comprising 71 villages/towns and 630 households in three countries (Nigeria, ...
Agyemang, K.
Yapi-Gnoare, C.V.
Ouologuem, B.
Barje, P.P.
Adediran, S.A.
[Hypotheses on inland valley development for smallholder dairy production in three West African countries Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Nigeria]
Hypotheses on inland valley development for smallholder dairy production in three West African countries Côte d'Ivoire, Mali and Nigeria
Mekasha, Yoseph
[Impact of feed resources on reproductive performance of dairy cows in peri-urban dairy production system in the Addis Ababa dairy shed and evaluation of non-conventional feed resources using sheep]
Impact of feed resources on reproductive performance of dairy cows in peri-urban dairy production system in the Addis Ababa dairy shed and evaluation of non-conventional feed resources using sheep
Describes the characteristics of dairy production and processing in South Darfur and provides an analysis of the way in which pastoral families vary their diets according to seasonal food shortages and shifting terms of trade between milk and food grains.
Kerven, C.
[The role of milk in a pastoral diet and economy: The case of South Darfur, Sudan]
The role of milk in a pastoral diet and economy: The case of South Darfur, Sudan
Holmann, Federico J.
[Análisis ex-ante de nuevas alternativas forrajeras en fincas con ganado en sistemas de doble propósito en Perú, Costa Rica y Nicaragua]
Análisis ex-ante de nuevas alternativas forrajeras en fincas con ganado en sistemas de doble propósito en Perú, Costa Rica y Nicaragua
Kerven, C.
[Some research and development implications for pastoral dairy production in Africa]
Some research and development implications for pastoral dairy production in Africa