This paper aims to set codes of forest practice in the framework of the evolving debate on sustainable forest management. Codes of forest practice are sets of regulations or guidelines developed by governments or other organisations to assist forest managers select practices to be followed when c...
Despite the challenges and deficiencies tropical forest research faces, it has never had so much power as now. Foresters rely on new approaches to stimulate a change in the way forest is used for a more sustainable management system. In addition, new legislation and international agreements on fo...
Putz, F.E.
[El manejo de los bosques tropicales: retos, deficiencias y oportunidades]
El manejo de los bosques tropicales: retos, deficiencias y oportunidades
Few generalizations are currently possible about the effectiveness of local forest management, owing to a lack of common terms and concepts with which to compare the wide range of practices employed. This paper proposes a conceptual framework and typology based on four dimensions which affect the...
Wollenberg, Eva K.
[A conceptual framework and typology for explaining the outcomes of local forest management]
A conceptual framework and typology for explaining the outcomes of local forest management
Silva, J.N.M.
Pokorny, B.
Sabogal, C.
Carvalho, J.O.P. de
Zweede, J.
[Partnership for good forest management: a joint initiative of researchers and timber industries in the Brazilian Amazon]
Partnership for good forest management: a joint initiative of researchers and timber industries in the Brazilian Amazon
When the goal of natural forest management is to maintain the biodiversity and ecological integrity of the forest while harvesting timber, the silvicultural systems employed must promote timber production and reduce negative impacts on whole timber resources. To foster development of such a syste...
Pinard, M.A.
Putz, F.E.
Rumíz, D.
Guzmán, R.
Jardim, A.
[Ecological characterization of tree species for guiding forest management decision in seasonally dry forests in Lomerío, Bolivia]
Ecological characterization of tree species for guiding forest management decision in seasonally dry forests in Lomerío, Bolivia
This research was part of a tri-national project intended to determine the main factors constraining or favoring the adoption of sustinable forest management practices in the Brazilian, Bolivian and Peruvian Amazon. The paper describes the logging practices followed by timber extractors in Peru's...
Colan, V.
Sabogal, C.
Snook, L.K.
Boscolo, M.
Smith, J.
Galvan, O.
[El manejo forestal en la Amazonia Baja del Peru: diagnostico e implicaciones para la adopcion de buenas practicas]
El manejo forestal en la Amazonia Baja del Peru: diagnostico e implicaciones para la adopcion de buenas practicas
In the last 10 years in Central Africa, inventories have been carried out across extensive forest areas in order to support management plans. The aim of these inventories is to assess potential wood resources as well as the diversity of tree species and large mammals. The data products from these...
Vliet, N. van
Nasi, Robert
[Mise en evidence des facteurs du paysage agissant sur la repartition de la faune dans une concession forestiere]
Mise en evidence des facteurs du paysage agissant sur la repartition de la faune dans une concession forestiere
This booklet is designed to help people interested in working with small groups (usually communities or groups within communities) to reach their goals. It has been written, building first on the global literature on community based management of forests and other natural resources; secondly, on ...
In order to maintain the high levels of biodiversity and the ecological functions of tropical forest landscapes in South East Asia, production forests need to be managed in a more sustainable way. Numerous initiatives already exist in the form of codes of practice, criteria and indicators, and ce...
Gustafsson, L.
Nasi, Robert
Dennis, R.A.
Nguyen Hoang Nghia
Sheil, Douglas
Meijaard, E.
Dykstra, D.P.
Priyadi, H.
Pham Quang Thu
[Logging for the ark: improving the conservation value of production forests in South East Asia]
Logging for the ark: improving the conservation value of production forests in South East Asia
Larson, A.M.
Pacheco, P.
Toni, F.
Vallejo, M.
[The effects of forestry decentralization on access to livelihood assets]
The effects of forestry decentralization on access to livelihood assets