Dr Kwenkam Paul of the Cameroon Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries gives advice to livestock farmers on how to avoid the spread of infectious diseases, including those which can pass from animals to humans.
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
[Information to stop desert encroachment in The Gambia]
Information to stop desert encroachment in The Gambia
Jane Chepchirchir, Gender Research and Networking Officer for the Kenya National Federation of Agricultural Producers, talks about the many challenges facing women farmers, and how her organisation is addressing them.
A senior staff-member from the AIDS Control Unit of the Kenyan Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, discusses how agriculture, and agricultural departments, need to adapt to meet the challenge of HIV/AIDS.
Two students from the University of the North in South Africa, describe their participation in projects, through which they are supporting rural development in their home areas, and improving their own farming practices. One of the students describes her work with women who are prevented from wor...
A co-ordinator of the Kenya Forests Working Group describes how it has been working with local forest management committees, to set up forest use agreements and educate communities in improved forest management methods.
The Limuru Agricultural Youth Centre takes eight students per year from each of Kenya?s districts, and trains them in agricultural production. The students are selected on the basis that they have passed their primary exams with good grades, but cannot afford to go on to secondary school. This re...
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation
[A brighter future for Kenya?s young school leavers]
A brighter future for Kenya?s young school leavers
An advocacy officer for Christian Care Zimbabwe stresses the importance of giving both economic and moral support to those with HIV/AIDS, so that they can continue to be productive members of society
An NGO in Zambia has volunteers living with forest communities, in order to build up trust and work together on alternatives to slash-and-burn agriculture.