This report describes a one-day workshop that presented new downscaled seasonal climate
forecasts and a brief training program on how to understand, communicate and use new
format with farmer groups. It builds on and extends the previous PICSA training workshops
by (a) shifting from the use of st...
Hansen J
Kagabo, Desire M.
[Training on understanding, communicating, and using the downscaled seasonal forecast]
Training on understanding, communicating, and using the downscaled seasonal forecast
Since 2014, World Food Programme (WFP), CGIAR Research Program Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) and University of Reading (UoR) have been hosting trainings of extension workers—or, intermediaries—and sharing climate information services. A...
In this info note we provide a brief overview of key
agricultural practices and technologies which enhance
productivity in a sustainable manner, thus contributing to
food security and environmental goals while increasing
the resilience of farming systems.
A twinned info note considers
Dinesh, Dhanush
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
[Climate change adaptation in agriculture: practices and technologies. Messages to the SBSTA 44 agriculture workshops]
[Climate change adaptation in agriculture: practices and technologies. Opportunities for climate action in agricultural systems]
Climate change adaptation in agriculture: practices and technologies. Opportunities for climate action in agricultural systems
In this info note we provide a brief overview of key
adaptation measures in agriculture drawing on research
for development efforts by CGIAR Centres and partners,
taking into account the diversity
of agricultural systems, the role
of indigenous knowledge,
differences in scales of
adoption, and po...
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
Dinesh, Dhanush
[Measures for climate change adaptation in agriculture. Messages to the SBSTA 44 agriculture workshops]
[Measures for climate change adaptation in agriculture. Opportunities for climate action in agricultural systems]
Measures for climate change adaptation in agriculture. Opportunities for climate action in agricultural systems
El análisis de la cadena de valor de la chaya fue realizado por Nadezda Amaya como parte del programa internacional
Integrando cadenas de valor agro-biodiversas, cambio climático y nutrición: empoderando a los pobres para manejar mejor el
riesgo" respaldado por el Fondo Internacional de Desarro...
Amaya, N.
Meldrum, G.
Padulosi, S.
Cifuentes, R.
[Resumen de investigación: Cadena de valor y potencial de mercado de la chaya para fortalecer la resiliencia climática, seguridad nutricional e ingresos en Guatemala]
Resumen de investigación: Cadena de valor y potencial de mercado de la chaya para fortalecer la resiliencia climática, seguridad nutricional e ingresos en Guatemala
We are pleased to share the ninth issue of the SmartAG Partner- a quarterly newsletter
of CCAFS East Africa.
After being mostly overlooked for the last ten years, agriculture was on the agenda of
the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technical Advice (SBSTA42) in Bonn, Germany.
SBSTA42 presente...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[The SmartAG Partner: CCAFS East Africa Quarterly Newsletter, April - June 2015]
The SmartAG Partner: CCAFS East Africa Quarterly Newsletter, April - June 2015
The University of Aberdeen and CCAFS are developing a simple tool for practitioners to quickly identify and compare mitigation options for agriculture. The CCAFS-MOT tool takes account of current farming practices and growing conditions to suggest a wide range of
mitigation options. The Excel-bas...
In this CCAFS project, we stimulate partnerships
between farmer cooperatives and
professionals from public, private and civil
society spheres and couple participatory
adaptation planning with the development
of incentive and investment plans. In this
way, we aim to establish a virtuous cycle of
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Participatory planning and investment in climate smart agriculture to reduce risks for small-scale farmers in Central American coffee landscapes]
Participatory planning and investment in climate smart agriculture to reduce risks for small-scale farmers in Central American coffee landscapes
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Letter from Haryana Government on Climate-Smart Villages]
Letter from Haryana Government on Climate-Smart Villages
This paper outlines the development of a women-led agroforestry and improved cookstoves project in Honduras. Analysis aims to contribute to learning for future projects, especially projects aiming to improve gender relations. The project intended to increase gender equity among smallholder farmer...
Hottle, R.
[Women-led agroforestry and clean cookstoves in Honduras: Field evaluation of farmer-led gender-transformative strategies for low emissions agriculture]
Women-led agroforestry and clean cookstoves in Honduras: Field evaluation of farmer-led gender-transformative strategies for low emissions agriculture