Governance of food systems is a poorly understood determinant of food security.
Much scholarship on food systems governance is non-empirical, while existing
research is often case study-based and theoretically and methodologically
incommensurable. This frustrates aggregation of evidence and gener...
Delaney, A.
Evans, T.
McGreevy J
Blekking, Jordan
Schlachter T
Korhonen-Kurki, Kaisa
Tamás, Peter A.
Crane, Todd A.
Eakin, H.
Förch, Wiebke
Jones, L.
Nelson, D.R.
Obersteiner, Michael
Purdon M
[Strengthening the food systems governance evidence base: Supporting commensurability of research through a systematic review of methods]
Strengthening the food systems governance evidence base: Supporting commensurability of research through a systematic review of methods
Le Projet Flagship 4 du CCAFS mis en oeuvre au Mali, depuis 2014 considère qu’une
large adoption des pratiques respectueuses du climat peut contribuer à améliorer le
revenu des producteurs et réduire les risques de pertes de récoltes. Mais l’adoption des
options proposées ne serait possible que s...
Traoré, Kadari
Totin, Edmond
Sogoba, Bougouna
Sibiry Traoré, Pierre C.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Fonctionnement et organisation du cadre institutionnel du changement climatique au Mali]
Fonctionnement et organisation du cadre institutionnel du changement climatique au Mali
Les changements et variabilités climatiques représentent des défis majeurs pour la
mise en oeuvre des plans et politiques nationaux de développement. Le Sénégal, avec
l’appui du programme « Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security » (CCAFS) a
formé une Plateforme Multi-acteurs pour faciliter ...
Dia, L.
Dieye, B
Totin, Edmond
Sibiry Traoré, Pierre C.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Analyse du contexte institutionnel de gestion du changement climatique au Sénégal]
Analyse du contexte institutionnel de gestion du changement climatique au Sénégal
Mainstreaming climate change strategies on the basis of Science, Technology and
Innovation (STI) into agricultural food security policies demands multi-dimensional
approaches. In sub-Saharan Africa, the demand is made more complex by the socioeconomic
challenges such as poverty, unstable markets,...
Owuso Essegbey, George
Totin, Edmond
Karbo N
Sibiry Traoré, Pierre C.
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Assessment of climate change policy and institutional context: The case of Ghana]
Assessment of climate change policy and institutional context: The case of Ghana
Este documento se encuentra enmarcado en el proyecto LivestockPlus, que busca apoyar, desde distintas líneas investigativas, la planificación de diferentes acciones en el sector ganadero latinoamericano para reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero que éste genera, con un enfoque en...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
Gumucio, Tatiana
Mora Benard, María Alejandra
Twyman, Jennifer
Hernández Ceballos, María Camila
[Género en la ganadería: Consideraciones iniciales para la incorporación de una perspectiva de género en la investigación de la ganadería en Colombia y Costa Rica]
Género en la ganadería: Consideraciones iniciales para la incorporación de una perspectiva de género en la investigación de la ganadería en Colombia y Costa Rica
The CCAFS Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI) Strategy is an update of the CCAFS 2012
Gender Strategy. The new strategy addresses gender as well as social inclusion for different
social groups while bearing in mind that women are central to agriculture in developing
countries. The CCAFS approach to...
Huyer, Sophia
Campbell, Bruce M.
Hill, Catherine
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
[CCAFS Gender and Social Inclusion Strategy]
CCAFS Gender and Social Inclusion Strategy
Gaur, Pooran M.
Samineni, S
Krishnamurthy, L.
Varshney, Rajeev K.
Kumar, S.
Ghanem, Michel E
Beebe, Stephen E.
Rao, Idupulapati M.
Chaturvedi, Sushil K.
Basu, PS
Nayyar, H
Jayalakshmi, Veera
Babbar, A
[High temperature tolerance in grain legumes]
High temperature tolerance in grain legumes
Liberia is one of the world’s poorest countries. Efforts to rebuild its economy after several years
of internal conflict were partially set back by the 2014–5 Ebola crisis. The country’s lowland
humid climate and land-use history suggest a potential to increase the production of cocoa
(Theobroma ...
Schroth, Götz
Läderach, Peter
Martínez Valle, Armando Isaac
Bunn, Christian
[Climate vulnerability and adaptation of the smallholder cocoa and coffee value chains in Liberia]
Climate vulnerability and adaptation of the smallholder cocoa and coffee value chains in Liberia
The livestock sector is one of the major contributors in agriculture, by some estimates
contributing up to 18% of the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Of this, about one
third is reported to be due to land use change associated with livestock production, another
one third is nitrous oxide f...
Amole, Tunde A.
Ayantunde, Augustine A.
[Climate-Smart Livestock Interventions in West Africa: A Review]
Climate-Smart Livestock Interventions in West Africa: A Review
Para responder al gran desafío de aumentar la capacidad de adaptación del sector agrícola colombiano ante la variabilidad climática regional, el Programa de Investigación del CGIAR en Cambio Climático, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria (CCAFS), en cooperación con el Centro Internacional de Agri...
Barrios Pérez, Camilo
Álvarez Toro, Patricia
[Caracterización agroambiental de sistemas de producción de maíz y fríjol en Colombia]
Caracterización agroambiental de sistemas de producción de maíz y fríjol en Colombia