The human influence on the global hydrological cycle is now the dominant force behind changes in water resources across the world and in regulating the resilience of the Earth system. The rise in human pressures on global freshwater resources is in par with other anthropogenic changes in the Eart...
Rockström, Johan
Falkenmark, M.
Allan, T.
Folke, C.
Gordon, L.
Jagerskog, A.
Kummu, M.
Lannerstad, Mats
Meybeck, M.
Molden, David J.
Postel, S.
Savenije, H.
Svedin, U.
Turton, A.
Varis, O.
[The unfolding water drama in the Anthropocene: towards a resilience-based perspective on water for global sustainability]
The unfolding water drama in the Anthropocene: towards a resilience-based perspective on water for global sustainability
Ergano, Kebebe
Oosting, Simon J.
Haileslassie, Amare
Duncan, Alan J.
Boer, Imke J.M. de
[Strategies for improving water use efficiency of livestock production in rain-fed systems]
Strategies for improving water use efficiency of livestock production in rain-fed systems
Carrara, A.
Kolari, P.
Beeck, M. de
Arriga, N.
Berveiller, D.
Dengel, S.
Ibrom, A.
Merbold, Lutz
Rebmann, C.
Sabbatini, S.
Serrano-Ortíz, P.
Biraud, S.C.
[Radiation measurements at ICOS ecosystem stations]
Radiation measurements at ICOS ecosystem stations
Woldewahid, G.
Biazin, B.
[Capacitating water lifting service providers reduce risks of crop failure and increase producer confidence in adopting irrigation: LIVES experiences]
Capacitating water lifting service providers reduce risks of crop failure and increase producer confidence in adopting irrigation: LIVES experiences
Agricultural systems of Northern Ethiopia are under pressure from demographic expansion leading to land degradation and increasing water scarcity. Livestock water productivity (LWP) is an important component in improving overall productivity in mixed crop-livestock systems. The objective of the s...
Mekonnen, S.
Descheemaeker, Katrien
Tolera, A.
Amede, Tilahun
[Livestock water productivity in a water stressed environment in northern Ethiopia]
Livestock water productivity in a water stressed environment in northern Ethiopia
Waterlogged Vertisols are amongst the high potential soils where management interventions could result in positive impacts. This study utilized soil, climate and crop and livestock productivity data and models to demonstrate intensification strategies which increase crop–livestock system producti...
Erkossa, Teklu
Haileslassie, Amare
MacAlister, C.
[Enhancing farming system water productivity through alternative land use and improved water management of rainfed agriculture in Vertisol areas]
Enhancing farming system water productivity through alternative land use and improved water management of rainfed agriculture in Vertisol areas
During the 2011 Third International Forum on Water and Food (in South Africa) Amare Haileselassie from ILRI reflected on ways that livestock can be integrated into rainwater management systems and strategies in Ethiopia. The overall aim is to improve 'livestock water productivity' through the ado...
Haileslassie, Amare
[Principles and practices to integrate livestock into Ethiopia's rainwater management systems]
Principles and practices to integrate livestock into Ethiopia's rainwater management systems
Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregion Andina
[Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú acuerdan avanzar propuesta para mejorar monitoreo hidrológico en ecosistemas andinos]
Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador y Perú acuerdan avanzar propuesta para mejorar monitoreo hidrológico en ecosistemas andinos