This is about the first steps in a study on poverty alleviation and the question whether
participatory interventions make a significant contribution to the empowerment of poor
Andean farmers. Participatory methods of intervention have been applied now for many
years in many development projects, ...
Zuger Caceres, Regula
[Participatory development projects in the Andes - looking for empowerment with Q-Methodology]
Participatory development projects in the Andes - looking for empowerment with Q-Methodology
Through its research on land and water management, IWMI strives to have a “positive impact on the activities and perspectives of policy makers, water managers and poor rural communities in developing countries” (IWMI, 2001, 10). However, evaluating the impact of research activities is a much-disc...
Bhatt, Yogesh
[Implementing a framework for action to assess research impact: Case studies on impact assessment from two global research projects of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI)]
Implementing a framework for action to assess research impact: Case studies on impact assessment from two global research projects of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI)
Awono, A.
Eba'a Atyi, R.
Foundjem-Tita, D.
Levang, P.
[Vegetal non-timber forest products in Cameroon, contribution to the national economy]
Vegetal non-timber forest products in Cameroon, contribution to the national economy
Arwida, S.D.
Maharani, C.
Sijapati Basnett, B.
Yang, A.L.
[Pertimbangan terkait gender dalam pengembangan indikator REDD+: Pelajaran dari Indonesia]
Pertimbangan terkait gender dalam pengembangan indikator REDD+: Pelajaran dari Indonesia
Assess the impact of the selected FT4ALL coffee pilots. Analyze empowerment processes and changes overtime on Fair Trade Certified independent small-scale coffee producers. Identify the early effects of FT4ALL on the Fairtrade certified coffee market and assess the viability of the supply chain.
Río, Martha, del
González, Carolina
Gómez, Lorena
Adam, Marc
Sellitti, Stefania
Gansemans, Annelien
Lundy, Mark
[Measuring and Assessing Impacts of Fair Trade for All on farmers, farmworkers and the overall Fair Trade Market System (Nicaragua)]
Measuring and Assessing Impacts of Fair Trade for All on farmers, farmworkers and the overall Fair Trade Market System (Nicaragua)
Innovation platforms are fast becoming part of the mantra of agricultural research and development projects and programs. Their basic tenet is that stakeholders depend on one another to achieve agricultural development outcomes, and hence need a space where they can learn, negotiate, and coordina...
Schut, M.
Klerkx, Laurens
Kamanda, J.
Sartas, M.
Leeuwis, C.
[Innovation platforms: synopsis of innovation platforms in agricultural research and development]
Innovation platforms: synopsis of innovation platforms in agricultural research and development
Muriel, Juliana
Twyman, Jennifer
Lopera, Diana Carolina
Useche, Pilar
González, Carolina
Talsma, Elise F.
Consenza, Emma
[His and Hers, time and income: How intra-household dynamics impact nutrition in agricultural households. Methods guide: Designing and implementation of data collection tools]
His and Hers, time and income: How intra-household dynamics impact nutrition in agricultural households. Methods guide: Designing and implementation of data collection tools
Merrey, D. J.
Lefore, Nicole
[Improving the availability and effectiveness of rural and “Micro” finance for small-scale irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review of lessons learned]
Improving the availability and effectiveness of rural and “Micro” finance for small-scale irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review of lessons learned
We introduce the concept of local normative climate to improve understanding of community- level social processes that shape women’s and men’s sense of agency and capacities for taking important decisions, including in their agricultural livelihoods. The idea of normative climate is informed by f...