With increasing change of traditional diets, and the emergence of new supply and marketing chains, urban food consumers in low-income countries are faced with multiple food safety challenges, among which microbial contamination and pesticides are key concerns for fruits and vegetables sold on urb...
Keraita, Bernard N.
Drechsel, Pay
[Consumer perceptions of fruit and vegetable quality: certification and other options for safeguarding public health in West Africa]
Consumer perceptions of fruit and vegetable quality: certification and other options for safeguarding public health in West Africa
An agricultural ecosystem is an ecosystem managed with a purpose, usually to produce crops or animal products. Agricultural ecosystems are designed by humans, and are based on a long chain of experience and experiments. The emphasis in, for example, Western Europe has changed from maximum product...
In Benin, the tarsonemid mite Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) (Prostigmata: Tarsonemidae) is a key pest of gboma eggplant Solanum macrocarpon (L.) (Solanales: Solanaceae), a leafy vegetable on which it causes considerable damage to the plants and substantial reduction in yield. Predatory mites ...
Onzo, A.
Houedokoho, A.
Hanna, R.
[Potential of the predatory mite, Amblyseius swirskii to suppress the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus on the gboma eggplant, Solanum macrocarpon]
Potential of the predatory mite, Amblyseius swirskii to suppress the broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus on the gboma eggplant, Solanum macrocarpon
On-farm Adaptive Research (OFAR) In an alftsol area In Southern Benin (Mono Province) started in 1986 with the introduction of a collaborative project of the Direction de la Recherche Agronomique (DRA) of Benin, the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) Amsterdam, and the International Institute of Trop...
Versteeg, M.N.
Huӱsman, A
[Trial design and analysis for onfarm adaptive research: a 1988 maize trial in the Mono Province of Benin]
Trial design and analysis for onfarm adaptive research: a 1988 maize trial in the Mono Province of Benin
The impact of widespread and common environmental factors, such as chemical contaminants, on infectious disease risk in amphibians is particularly important because both chemical contaminants and infectious disease have been implicated in worldwide amphibian declines. Here we report on the lone a...
Jayawardena, U.A.
Rohr, J.R.
Navaratne, A.N.
Amerasinghe, Priyanie H.
Rajakaruna, R.S.
[Combined effects of pesticides and trematode infections on hourglass tree frog Polypedates cruciger]
Combined effects of pesticides and trematode infections on hourglass tree frog Polypedates cruciger
The contribution of the soil scientist to land use planning mainly consists in the identification of land units and the assessment of their soil-related opportunities and limitations for various land utilization types. With a land use scenario study for the Flemish region in Belgium as an example...
Diels, J.
Orshoven, J. van
Vanclooster, M.
Feyen, J.
[Using soil map and simulation modeling for the analysis of land use scenarios]
Using soil map and simulation modeling for the analysis of land use scenarios
The scientific community has recognized the importance of integrating farmer’s perceptions and knowledge (FPK) for the development of sustainable pest and disease management strategies. However, the knowledge gap between indigenous and scientific knowledge still contributes to misidentification o...
Liebig, Teresa Ines
Jassogne, Laurence T.P.
Rahn, Eric
Läderach, Peter
Poehling, Hans-Michael
Kucel, Patrick
Asten, Piet J.A. van
Avelino, Jacques
[Towards a collaborative research: a case study on linking science to farmers’ perceptions and knowledge on Arabica coffee pests and diseases and its management]
Towards a collaborative research: a case study on linking science to farmers’ perceptions and knowledge on Arabica coffee pests and diseases and its management
The overuse and misuse of chemical pesticides has widely been reported in vegetable cultivation in Sri Lanka. While safer and environmental friendly pest and disease management methods such as Integrated Pest Management (IPM) are popular around the world, only little effort has been taken to prom...
Jayasooriya, H.J.C.
Aheeyar, Mohamed M.M.
[Adoption and factors affecting on adoption of integrated pest management among vegetable farmers in Sri Lanka]
Adoption and factors affecting on adoption of integrated pest management among vegetable farmers in Sri Lanka
Morales, Francisco José
Palma, E
Paiz, C
Carrillo, E
Esquivel, I
Guillespie, V
Ordóñez, JL
Viana Ruano, A
[Socioeconomic and agricultural factors associated with mixed cropping systems in small farms of Southwestern Guatemala]
Socioeconomic and agricultural factors associated with mixed cropping systems in small farms of Southwestern Guatemala