Based on research results, the advantages of cassava over other crops, the use of improved cv. for different ecosystems, good management practices, crop protection, and soil fertility requirements are discussed in detail. (CIAT)
Sripinta, P.
Posawang, S.
Noppornphan, C.
Somsri, S.
Sthapit, B.R.
[Combination of side grafting technique and informal germplasm exchange system in non-irrigated mango orchards in Thailand]
Combination of side grafting technique and informal germplasm exchange system in non-irrigated mango orchards in Thailand
In April 1983 a branch of CIAT's Cassava Program was established in Bangkok, Thailand, to help Asian national cassava programs utilize CIAT technology more directly; CIAT's main involvement is in germplasm utilization and development, training, and communications. Sexual seeds have been the major...
En abril de 1983, se establecio una rama del Programa de Yuca del CIAT en Bangkok, Tailandia, para ayudar a los programas nacionales de yuca en Asia a utilizar la tecnologia del CIAT mas directamente; el principal papel del CIAT es el desarrollo y utilizacion de germoplasma, capacitacion y comuni...
The different alternatives for disease control in cassava, reported as efficient and that could be taken into account when designing technological packages for cassava production, are summarized. These are cultu-ral control (crop rotation, planting on furrows, elimination of crop resi-dues, dista...
The low cassava yields obtained in L.A. at present are the result of a complex of problems: 1) deficient quality of planting material, which results in low sprouting, poor rooting and little initial vigor; 2) inadequate land preparation and planting systems; 3) control systems for pests and disea...
Leihner, D.E.
Castro Merino, A.
[Practicas sencillas para aumentar el rendimiento del cultivo de la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)]
Practicas sencillas para aumentar el rendimiento del cultivo de la yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
This illustrated guide summarizes the key practices for producing clean planting material of banana with a high yield potential for smallholders, depending on the pests and diseases which are present. The guide is also designed to contribute to better planning of the propagation of planting mater...
Staver, Charles
Lescot, T.
[Propagating quality planting material to improve plant health and crop performance, key practices for dessert banana, plantain and cooking banana: Illustrated guide (Arabic) الإكثار الخضري لمواد نباتية ذات جودة لتحسين صحة النبات ورفع الكفاءة المحصولية: الممارسات الرئيسية لزراعة موز المائدة، البلانتين وموز الطبخ]
Propagating quality planting material to improve plant health and crop performance, key practices for dessert banana, plantain and cooking banana: Illustrated guide (Arabic) الإكثار الخضري لمواد نباتية ذات جودة لتحسين صحة النبات ورفع الكفاءة المحصولية: الممارسات الرئيسية لزراعة موز المائدة، البلانتين وموز الطبخ
The effects of cutting storage on cassava root and branch production as well as on other crop characteristics (wt. loss, percentage of viable cuttings, sprouting 80 days after planting, final stand, no. of seed- cuttings/plant) were studied under field conditions in the banana growing zone of San...
Luna R., J.M.
Correa, H.
Leihner, D.E.
[Influencia do armazenamento de manivas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) na producao de raizes e ramas]
Influencia do armazenamento de manivas de mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) na producao de raizes e ramas
Se revisan los avances en el mejoramiento de la yuca durante una decada hasta 1985 por CIAT y el International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (Nigeria). Los temas tratados cubren recursos de germoplasma en el genero Manihot; citogenetica en Manihot spp.; coleccion y conservacion de germoplasma...
Jennings, DL
Hershey, Clair H.
[Cassava breeding: a decade of progress from international programmes]
Cassava breeding: a decade of progress from international programmes
Rajan, S.
Lamers, H.A.H.
Lal, B.
[A set of interconnected practices which enhances and conserve mango diversity in Malihabad, India]
A set of interconnected practices which enhances and conserve mango diversity in Malihabad, India
Roca, William M.
Mroginski, LA
[Cultivo de tejidos en la agricultura: fundamentos y aplicaciones]
Cultivo de tejidos en la agricultura: fundamentos y aplicaciones