This implementation manual is to be used in conjunction with the step-by-step guide, as well as the templates for the debriefing document and the site analysis report. In the first half of 2011, CCAFS will undertake village-level baseline studies at 14 initial CCAFS sites in Eastern Africa, West ...
Förch, Wiebke
Barahona, C.
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Thornton, Philip K.
Mango, Joash
Onyango, Leah
Noor F
[CCAFS village baseline study - implementation manual]
CCAFS village baseline study - implementation manual
Agreement is developing among agricultural scientists on the emerging inability of agriculture to meet growing global food demands. Changes in trends of weather conditions projected by global climate models will challenge physiological limits of crops and exacerbate the global food challenge by 2...
Takle ES
Gustafson D
Beachy, Roger N.
Nelson, Gerald C.
Mason-D'Croz, Daniel
Palazzo, Amanda
[US food security and climate change: agricultural futures]
US food security and climate change: agricultural futures
Farming in the semi-arid tropics, where climatic conditions are marginal and highly variable, is a risky enterprise. The main source of this risk is the variability in rainfall that occurs at many different timescales, ranging from seasons to years to decades and beyond. Farmers operating under t...
Rao, K.P.C.
Oyoo A
[Climate variability and change: perceptions, experiences and realities]
Climate variability and change: perceptions, experiences and realities
Global warming is widely predicted to decrease crop yields in tropical, sub-tropical and Mediterranean climatic regions as a result of a speeding up of phenological development and shortening of the time to maturity. We used a well-tested simulation model, APSIM-Sorghum, to evaluate the impact of...
Tuner NC
Rao, K.P.C.
[Simulation analysis of factors affecting sorghum yield at selected sites in Eastern and Southern Africa, with emphasis on increasing temperatures]
Simulation analysis of factors affecting sorghum yield at selected sites in Eastern and Southern Africa, with emphasis on increasing temperatures
Swain, Braja B.
Sahoo, Pradeep K.
[Feed and fodder production in different Agroclimatic zones and its utilization for livestock of Odisha: Low-cost silage preparation]
Feed and fodder production in different Agroclimatic zones and its utilization for livestock of Odisha: Low-cost silage preparation
This issue of Agricultural Economics is a special issue containing articles on model performance in assessing the effects of climate change, bioenergy policy, and socioeconomics on agriculture. The contributions present results from a global economic model intercomparison activity undertaken as p...
Nelson, Gerald C.
Shively GE
[Modeling climate change and agriculture: an introduction to the special issue]
Modeling climate change and agriculture: an introduction to the special issue
Agriculture is unique among economic sectors in the nature of impacts from climate change. The production activity that transforms inputs into agricultural outputs involves direct use of weather inputs (temperature, solar radiation available to the plant, and precipitation). Previous studies of t...
Nelson, Gerald C.
Mensbrugghe, Dominique van der
Ahammad, H.
Blanc, Elodie
Calvin, Katherine
Hasegawa, Tomoko
Havlík, Petr
Heyhoe, Edwina
Kyle, Page
Lotze-Campen, Hermann
Lampe M. von
Mason-D'Croz, Daniel
Meijl, Hans van
Müller, Christoph
Reilly J
Robertson, Richard D.
Sands, Ronald D.
Schmitz, Christoph
Tabeau, Andrzej
Takahashi, K.
Valin, Hugo
Willenbockel, Dirk
[Agriculture and climate change in global scenarios: why don't the models agree]
Agriculture and climate change in global scenarios: why don't the models agree
Woodfuel plays a critical role in energy provision in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), and is predicted to remain dominant within the energy portfolio of the population in the coming decades. Although current inefficient technologies of production and consumption are associated with negative socio-econo...
Iiyama, Miyuki
Neufeldt, Henry
Dobie, P.
Njenga M
Ndegwa G
Jamnadass, Ramni H.
[The potential of agroforestry in the provision of sustainable woodfuel in sub-Saharan Africa]
The potential of agroforestry in the provision of sustainable woodfuel in sub-Saharan Africa
Achieving food system sustainability is a global priority but there are different views on how it might be achieved. Broadly three perspectives are emerging, defined here as: efficiency oriented, demand restraint and food system transformation. These reflect different conceptualisations on what i...
Garnett, Tara
[Three perspectives on sustainable food security: efficiency, demand restraint, food system transformation. What role for life cycle assessment?]
Three perspectives on sustainable food security: efficiency, demand restraint, food system transformation. What role for life cycle assessment?
Maintaining high levels of productivity under climate change will require developing cultivars that are able to perform under varying drought and heat stresses and with maturities that match water availability. The CSM-CERES-Sorghum model was used to quantify the potential benefits of altering cr...
Singh, P.
Nedumaran, S.
Sibiry Traoré, Pierre C.
Boote, Kenneth J.
Rattunde HFW
Prasad, PVV
Singh, Naveen P.
Srinivas K
Bantilan, MCS
[Quantifying potential benefits of drought and heat tolerance in rainy season sorghum for adapting to climate change]
Quantifying potential benefits of drought and heat tolerance in rainy season sorghum for adapting to climate change