Las encuestas intra-hogar permiten reconocer las preferencias y percepciones individuales de los diferentes miembros del hogar; también sirven para analizar brechas de género, poderes de negociación y empoderamiento. Sin embargo, tener múltiples respuestas complica el análisis a nivel del hogar, ...
Muriel, Juliana
Twyman, Jennifer
Chavarro, Mónica J.
[Analizando múltiples respuestas en el hogar: Adopción de prácticas CSA]
Analizando múltiples respuestas en el hogar: Adopción de prácticas CSA
Our study assessed the effectiveness of a community‐based participatory approach in increasing micronutrient adequacy of diets of women and young children through agricultural activities and nutrition education in Vihiga County, Western Kenya. Outcome indicators include the mean dietary diversity...
Boedecker, J.
Odour, F.O.
Lachat, C.
Damme, P. van
Kennedy, G.
Termote, C.
[Participatory farm diversification and nutrition education increase dietary diversity in Western Kenya]
Participatory farm diversification and nutrition education increase dietary diversity in Western Kenya
A general survey of Corchorus L. species was commissioned by the International Jute Organization (IJO) to provide the necessary background data on which future germplasm-collecting expeditions could be based. The survey was required to identify those wild species of potential use in the future ge...
A survey was distributed to members of the Ecological Society of America in 2014, which asked respondents to rate the usefulness of 131 of the most common, current ecological concepts. As part of the survey, key demographic and professional information was requested from respondents, including ag...
Reiners, Derek S.
Reiners, William A.
Lockwood, Jeffrey A.
Prager, Steven D.
[The usefulness of ecological concepts: patterns among practitioners]
The usefulness of ecological concepts: patterns among practitioners
Gaona R, J.S.
Janssen, W.
[Estudio de aceptación de la línea de frijol PVA 476, tipo arbustivo, en la zona cafetera de Antioquia]
Estudio de aceptación de la línea de frijol PVA 476, tipo arbustivo, en la zona cafetera de Antioquia
The main objective was to obtain a general impression of the activities of the Peracchi sawmill in the Tailândia region, Pará. This was to assess its potential as a partner in the project ‘Sustainable forest management at commercial scale’, a cooperative project between Embrapa Amaz6nia Oriental ...
Pokorny, B.
Sousa, R.
[Diagnóstico sócio-econômico da indústria madeireira Peracchi, no municipio de Tailândia, estado do Pará]
Diagnóstico sócio-econômico da indústria madeireira Peracchi, no municipio de Tailândia, estado do Pará
A study was carried out in a 20 year-old secondary forest situated on the campus of the University of Ucayali, 4 km from the city of Pucallpa, Peruvian Amazon. Botanical and ethno-botanical inventories were made of all trees greater than 10 cm dbh growing on an half hectare plot on very demineral...
Sánchez, J.G.
Tournon, Jacques
[Evaluacion fitosociologica y etnobotanica de un bosque secundario cerca de Pucalipa- Ucayali, Amazonz peruana]
Evaluacion fitosociologica y etnobotanica de un bosque secundario cerca de Pucalipa- Ucayali, Amazonz peruana
Dulloo, M.E.
Fiorino, E.
Thormann, I.
[Research on conservation and use of crop wild relatives]
Research on conservation and use of crop wild relatives
Cahyat, A.
Iranon, B.
Edna, B.
Dalip, D.
Tiaka, D.
Tugiono, K.
Himang, M.G.D.
Muksin, S.
Goenner, C.
[Profil kampung-kampung di Kabupaten Kutai Barat: kondisi sosial ekonomi kampung-kampung]
Profil kampung-kampung di Kabupaten Kutai Barat: kondisi sosial ekonomi kampung-kampung