In 1996, Cassava Mosaic Disease in Western Kenya depressed productivity and de-stabilized markets. The study assesses the effectiveness of breeding and disseminating CMD-resistant varieties in western Kenya by determining the extent of adoption and impact on farmers' income of the new varieties v...
Abele, S.
Twine, Edgar E.
Ntawuruhunga, Pheneas
Tenywa, J.S.
Nampala, P.
Okori, P.
Kyamuhangire, W.
Adipala, E.
Tusiome, G.
Odendo, M.
Obiero, H.
Odenya, J.
[Effectiveness of breeding and disseminating CMDresistant cassava varieties in western Kenya]
Effectiveness of breeding and disseminating CMDresistant cassava varieties in western Kenya
Raneri, Jessica E.
Turmel, M.
Zonneveld, M. van
Dzomeku, B.M.
Termote, C.
Bellon, M.R.
Chandrabalan, D.
Zheng, S.
Ocimati, W.
Attwood, S.
Staver, Charles
[Agrobiodiversity 4-Cell Method: a rapid system diagnosis tool]
Agrobiodiversity 4-Cell Method: a rapid system diagnosis tool
International Livestock Research Institute
[African Chicken Genetic Gains and Agriculture to Nutrition collaborative project]
African Chicken Genetic Gains and Agriculture to Nutrition collaborative project
A questionnaire was administered to 74 purposively selected respondents in order to describe the farming system under which pigs are kept in eight randomly selected communities from the IITA/ Africa RISING intervention communities in the three regions of northern Ghana and to document their pecul...
Ayizanga, R.A.
Kayang, B.B.
Adomako, K.
Asamoah, L.
[Rural pig production systems and breeding preferences of pig farmers in northern Ghana]
Rural pig production systems and breeding preferences of pig farmers in northern Ghana
Los Gestores de Innovación en Agroindustria Rural (GIAR) son un mecanismo de co-innovación con enfoque de cadena productiva, que permite al pequeño productor y a las organizaciones locales organizar su trabajo, intercambiar conocimientos y fortalecer sus cadenas agroindustriales frente al mercado...
Mosquera Echeverry, Erika Eliana
Hurtado Bermúdez, Jhon J.
[CIAT - gestores de innovación en agroindustria rural: el conocimiento del mercado como brújula para la innovación]
CIAT - gestores de innovación en agroindustria rural: el conocimiento del mercado como brújula para la innovación
Ferreira, SM
Staiger-Rivas, Simone
Villa, C.
[Conclusiones: gestionar el aprender sobre el hacer, un propósito que debe hacerse explícito]
Conclusiones: gestionar el aprender sobre el hacer, un propósito que debe hacerse explícito
Howeler, Reinhardt H.
[Cassava in Asia: a potential new green revolution in the making]
Cassava in Asia: a potential new green revolution in the making
Ojango, Julie M.K.
Oyieng, Edwin P.
Audho, James O.
Okeyo Mwai, Ally
[Utilizing technology to improve market access and livelihood security among pastoralists in eastern Africa: A case for the indegenous sheep in Kenya]
Utilizing technology to improve market access and livelihood security among pastoralists in eastern Africa: A case for the indegenous sheep in Kenya
The seed systems project is funded by the Syngenta Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture (SFSA) and aims at strengthening bean seed systems in three east African countries: Burundi, Kenya and Rwanda with focus on biofortified bean varieties to respond to bean farmers and market demand.
To achie...
Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance
[Strengthening bean seed systems with focus on biofortified bean varieties to respond to bean farmers and market demand in Burundi, Kenya and Rwanda]
Strengthening bean seed systems with focus on biofortified bean varieties to respond to bean farmers and market demand in Burundi, Kenya and Rwanda