The field methods employed in the soil health component of the AfSIS (Africa Soil Information Service) project are referred to as the Land Degradation Surveillance Framework (LDSF). This field guide outlines field protocols for measuring indicators of the “health” of an ecosystem, including veget...
Vagen, T.G.
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
Walsh, Markus G
Tamene, Lulseged
Tondoh, Jérôme E.
[Land Degradation Surveillance Framework (LSDF): field guide]
Land Degradation Surveillance Framework (LSDF): field guide
RClimTool ha sido diseñada con el objetivo de facilitar a los usuarios el análisis estadístico, control de calidad, llenado de datos faltantes, análisis de homogeneidad y cálculo de indicadores para las series climatológicas diarias de temperatura máxima, temperatura mínima y precipitación.
RClimtool has been designed with the objective to facilitate the
performance of statistical analysis, quality control, filling
missing data, homogeneity analysis and calculation of
indicators for daily weather series of maximum temperature,
minimum temperature and precipitation.
International Potato Center
[Recommended sweetpotato farming practices in Quang Binh, Vietnam: A way to promote sustainable rural development and food security under a changing climate. A training manual (Vietnamese).]
Recommended sweetpotato farming practices in Quang Binh, Vietnam: A way to promote sustainable rural development and food security under a changing climate. A training manual (Vietnamese).
Beltrán Giraldo, Jorge Alonso
Tijerino, D
Vernooy, Ronnie
[Desarrollo de procesos organizativos a nivel local para el manejo colectivo de los recursos naturales]
Desarrollo de procesos organizativos a nivel local para el manejo colectivo de los recursos naturales
Howeler, Reinhardt H.
Fuentes de Piedrahíta, Cilia L.
[Guía de estudio para ser usada como complemento de la unidad audiotutorial sobre el mismo tema]
[Desórdenes nutricionales de la planta de yuca]
Desórdenes nutricionales de la planta de yuca
Les banques de gènes sont les entrepôts des resources phytogénétiques, qui fournissent le matériel brut pour l'amélioration des plantes cultivées. Elles jouent un rôle clé en contribuant au développement durable de l'agriculture, en aidant à augmenter la production alimentaire et en surmontant ai...
Rao, N.K.
Hanson, Jean
Dulloo, M.E.
Ghosh, K.
Nowell, D.
Larinde, M.
[Manuel de manipulation des semences dans les banques de gènes]
Manuel de manipulation des semences dans les banques de gènes
International Potato Center
[Field guide for identification of major potato pests and diseases in Meghalaya, India.]
Field guide for identification of major potato pests and diseases in Meghalaya, India.
Otieno, K.
Robinson, Lance W.
[Participatory rangeland management toolkit for Kenya, Tool 4-2: Rangeland Management and the 2016 Community Land Act.]
Participatory rangeland management toolkit for Kenya, Tool 4-2: Rangeland Management and the 2016 Community Land Act.