Este documento resume los resultados del trabajo en grupo y la discusión en plenaria de la sesión 4 (Marcos Regulatorios para el Fomento de Cadenas de Valor Sostenibles e Inclusivas) del Taller Regional de Intercambio de la Alianza de Aprendizaje Regional, realizado en junio de 2010. Particularme...
Alianzas de Aprendizaje
[Sesión 4: Marcos Regulatorios para el Fomento de Cadenas de Valor Incluyentes y Sostenibles]
Sesión 4: Marcos Regulatorios para el Fomento de Cadenas de Valor Incluyentes y Sostenibles
It is estimated that shifting cultivation accounts for about 70 percent of the deforestation in Africa, 50 percent in Asia, and 30 percent in Latin America of the 14 million hectares of tropical moist forests currently destroyed every year. Tropical deforestation is responsible for 18 percent of ...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Alternatives to slash & burn: a global strategy: special project for presentation to the global steering group (GSG): first phase January 1993-December 1997]
Alternatives to slash & burn: a global strategy: special project for presentation to the global steering group (GSG): first phase January 1993-December 1997
Brachiaria cultivars developed by forage research programs are delivered to commercial livestock producers through the vehicle of seed. Over the past 15-20 years, a large, dynamic industry has developed in Brazil for the production of Brachiaria seed. This paper describes the history of this indu...
Estrada, R.D.
Holmann, Federico J.
Posada Torres, Rafael
[Farmer and industry funding of agricultural research in Colombia]
Farmer and industry funding of agricultural research in Colombia
Scott, Gregory J.
Labarta, Ricardo
Suarez, V.
[Benchmarking food crop markets in Southern Africa: the case of potatoes and potato products 1961-2010]
Benchmarking food crop markets in Southern Africa: the case of potatoes and potato products 1961-2010
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Introducción a la orientación territorial para el desarrollo empresarial rural (DER)]
Introducción a la orientación territorial para el desarrollo empresarial rural (DER)
Scott, Gregory J.
Labarta, R.A.
Suarez, V.
[Booms, busts, and emerging markets for potatoes in east and Central Africa 1961-2010]
Booms, busts, and emerging markets for potatoes in east and Central Africa 1961-2010
The technological and institutional requirements needed for a broader distribution and adoption of new cropping technologies are indicated, using as example the case of changes in land use by soybean growers of the Brazilian Cerrados. In Brazil, soybean had contributed significantly to economic d...
Smith, J.
Cadavid Herrera, JV
Ayarza, Miguel Angel
Agiar, J.L.P.
[Adoption of resource management technologies : lessons from the Brazilian savanna]
Adoption of resource management technologies : lessons from the Brazilian savanna