This publication is the result of a participatory experience capitalization, facilitated by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture for the project “Alliance to Create Opportunities for Rural Development through Agro-enterprise Relationships” (ACORDAR). This report addresses the process...
Valle Martínez, Edwin José
Rizo Picado, Aileen Ivania
Rocha Albuquerque, José Alfredo
Picado Vanegas, Armando
Laguna González, Tomás Javier
[Malanga. Estableciendo alianzas para el desarrollo de la Cadena de Valor de la Malanga (Xanthosoma sagittifolium)]
[COCOYAM. Establishing alliances to develop the cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) value chain]
COCOYAM. Establishing alliances to develop the cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) value chain
Esta publicación es el resultado de un proceso de sistematización participativo facilitado por el Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) para el Programa de Gestión Rural Empresarial, Sanidad y Ambiente (PROGRESA). El presente documento sistematiza la experiencia del fortalecimiento ...
Membreño, Blanca
Chavarría Salguera, Jimmy Antonio
Lanuza, Augusto
Padilla, Norman
Escoto, Silvio
Valdivia Lorente, Rodolfo Ramón
Vásquez Vásquez, Augusto César
López Fonseca, Ernesto Antonio
Morán, Elizabeth
Gutiérrez, Jaime
Castro Rivera, Nubia
Gutiérrez, Augusto
Navarrete, Antonio
[Fortalecimiento de los Eslabones de la Cadena de Valor del Frijol en el Norte de Nicaragua]
Fortalecimiento de los Eslabones de la Cadena de Valor del Frijol en el Norte de Nicaragua
This publication is the result of a participatory experience capitalization, facilitated by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture for the project “Alliance to Create Opportunities for Rural Development through Agro-enterprise Relationships” (ACORDAR). In this document we systematicall...
López Fonseca, Ernesto Antonio
Membreño Galeano, Roger Manuel
Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Jaime Ramón
Lanuza Morán, Wesbter Isaac
Villarreyn, Keyvin Josué
Picado Vanegas, Armando
Cajina González, Nilo Rafael
[Hortalizas. Nos aliamos y actuamos para ser competitivos]
[Vegetables. We set up partnerships and took action to become more competitive]
Vegetables. We set up partnerships and took action to become more competitive
Legume tree-based farming systems sit at a crucial nexus of agroecological sustainability. Their capacity to support microbial N2 fixation can increase soil nitrogen (N) availability and therefore improve soil fertility, crop yields, and support long-term stewardship of natural resources. However...
Rosenstock, Todd S.
Tully, Katherine L.
Arias-Navarro, Cristina
Neufeldt, Henry
Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus
Verchot, Louis V.
[Agroforestry with N2-fixing trees: Sustainable development's friend or foe?]
Agroforestry with N2-fixing trees: Sustainable development's friend or foe?
Quiñones, Stefanny
Noguera, Amanda
Mosquera, Silvio Andrés
Vivas Quila, Nelson José
Morales Velasco, Sandra
Muñoz Quiceno, Jhon Jairo
Burkart, Stefan
[The Impact of Management Practices on Pre-Mortem Meat Quality along the Colombian Cattle Value Chain]
The Impact of Management Practices on Pre-Mortem Meat Quality along the Colombian Cattle Value Chain
Snyder, Katherine A.
Ludi, Eva
Cullen, Beth
Tucker, Josephine
Zeleke, Alemayehu B
Duncan, Alan J.
[Participation and performance: decentralised planning and implementation in Ethiopia]
Participation and performance: decentralised planning and implementation in Ethiopia
Castañeda-Álvarez, Nora P.
Khoury, Colin K.
Achicanoy, Harold A.E.
Bernau, V.
Dempewolf, Hannes
Eastwood, Ruth J.
Guarino, Luigi
Harker, Ruth H.
Jarvis, Andy
Maxted, Nigel
Müller, Jonas V.
Ramírez Villegas, Julián
Sosa, Chrystian C.
Struik, Paul C.
Vincent, Holly
Toll, Jane
[Global conservation priorities for crop wild relatives]
Global conservation priorities for crop wild relatives
This document compiles the results and lessons learned of the project “Alliance to Create Opportunities for Rural Development through Agro-enterprise Relationships” (ACORDAR), aimed to help increase the income, ensure permanent employment and strengthen the business capacities of 7000 poor rural ...
Camacho Obando, Álvaro José
Centeno Zamora, Janira Damarys
López Lanzas, Donaldo
Laguna, Tomás
Godoy Gross, Ricardo
[Impactos de los centros de acopio de cacao en baba en la dinámica organizativa, productiva y empresarial de las cooperativas]
[Impact of wet cacao bean collection centers on the organizational, production, and entrepreneurial dynamics of producer cooperatives]
Impact of wet cacao bean collection centers on the organizational, production, and entrepreneurial dynamics of producer cooperatives
With decreasing aquifer levels, increasing groundwater pollution, inequitable access, and generally poor management outcomes, better groundwater governance has been put forward as a recipe to address these challenges worldwide. Existing recommendations focus on improved legal frameworks, monitori...
Les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture représentent un précieux héritage des peuples d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre. La région est dotée d'agroécosystèmes diversifiés dont la diversité des cultures joue un rôle essentiel en contribuant à la fourniture de nourriture...
Halewood, Michael
Baidu-Forson, J.J.
Clancy, E.
Vodouhe, R.S.
Bioversity International
Conseil ouest et centre africain pour la recherche et le développement agricoles
[La coopération pour le meilleur usage possible des ressources phytogénétiques en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale : un impératif régional]
La coopération pour le meilleur usage possible des ressources phytogénétiques en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale : un impératif régional