Through an examination of the climate change perceptions and adaptive
practices of three groups of organized rural women in and around San Cristóbal de las
Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, together with a critical reading and analysis of the United
Nations’ Climate Smart Agriculture Strategy and strategie...
Lookabaugh, Lara
[Talking about the weather in Chiapas, Mexico: rural women’s approaches to climate change in national and global context. Thesis (Master of Arts)]
Talking about the weather in Chiapas, Mexico: rural women’s approaches to climate change in national and global context. Thesis (Master of Arts)
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca
Departamento Administrativo de Gestión del medio Ambiente
[Estrategia municipal de desarrollo bajo en carbono para Cali]
Estrategia municipal de desarrollo bajo en carbono para Cali
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca
Departamento Administrativo de Gestión del medio Ambiente
[Inventario de gases de efecto invernadero y contaminantes criterio para Santiago de Cali]
Inventario de gases de efecto invernadero y contaminantes criterio para Santiago de Cali
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca
Departamento Administrativo de Gestión del medio Ambiente
[Identificación de zonas y formulación de propuestas para el tratamiento de islas de calor municipio de Santiago de Cali]
Identificación de zonas y formulación de propuestas para el tratamiento de islas de calor municipio de Santiago de Cali
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
Corporación Autónoma Regional del Valle del Cauca
Departamento Administrativo de Gestión del medio Ambiente
[Estudio para la microzonificación climática para el municipio de Santiago de Cali]
Estudio para la microzonificación climática para el municipio de Santiago de Cali
The “How To Do Note: Climate change risk assessments in value chain projects” provides guidance for the design and development of climate-smart value chains. A number of tools and resources are available to support decision makers at various stages in value chain development. Mainstreaming clima...
Vermeulen, Sonja J.
Dinesh, Dhanush
Läderach, Peter
Mwongera, Caroline
[How can we develop value chain programs that address climate risks?]
How can we develop value chain programs that address climate risks?
A multi-level analysis has examined how policy processes within agriculture, forestry, natural resource- and land management in Uganda support or undermine climate change adaptive responses and policy implementation with a particular focus on the Nwoya and Rakai districts. This Info Note summariz...
Okolo, Wendy
Twyman, Jennifer
Ampaire, Edidah L.
Acosta, M.
[Barriers to successful climate change policy implementation in Uganda]
Barriers to successful climate change policy implementation in Uganda
Climate change is posing a serious challenge for developing countries like India. The agriculture sector is one of the most vulnerable sectors to climate change. In turn, it is making food security and livelihoods of smallholders, more vulnerable to climate change. This study adopted the IPCC’s i...
Rajora, Chesta
[Climate change vulnerability assessment with a focus on agriculture sector - a district level study of Assam and Odisha]
Climate change vulnerability assessment with a focus on agriculture sector - a district level study of Assam and Odisha
Data were collected during interviews with experts and farmers in Cauca between July and October 2014. After finishing both interview series, we analyzed the differences in perception between experts and farmers. To aggregate the individual rankings, we calculated a weighted average based on the ...
Eitzinger, Anton
Binder, Claudia R.
Meyer, Markus A.
[Replication Data for: Risk perception and decision-making: do farmers consider risks from climate change?]
Replication Data for: Risk perception and decision-making: do farmers consider risks from climate change?
Drills are an important element of disaster management, helping to increase preparedness and reduce the risk of real‐time failure. Yet, they are not applied systematically to slow‐onset disasters such as a drought, which causes damage that is not instantly apparent and thus does not solicit immed...
Muller, A.
Mora, V.
Rojas, E.
Díaz, J.
Fuentes, O
Grion, E.
Gayaan, A.
Etten, Jacob van
[Emergency drills for agricultural drought response: A case study in Guatemala]
Emergency drills for agricultural drought response: A case study in Guatemala