Because vulnerability is a conceptual construct rather than a directly observable phenomenon,
most vulnerability assessments measure a set of “vulnerability indicators”. In order to identify
the core approaches and range of variation in the field, we conducted a systematic literature
review on lo...
Delaney, A.
Chesterman, Sabrina
Crane, Todd A.
Tamás, Peter A.
Ericksen, Polly J.
[A systematic review of local vulnerability to climate change: in search of transparency, coherence and comparability]
A systematic review of local vulnerability to climate change: in search of transparency, coherence and comparability
The contemporary concern about anthropogenic release of greenhouse gas (GHG) into the
environment and the contribution of livestock to this phenomenon have sparked animal
scientists’ interest in predicting methane (CH4) emissions by ruminants. Focusing on milk
production, we address six basic nut...
Tedeschi, L.O.
Herrero, Mario T.
Thornton, Philip K.
[An Overview of Dairy Cattle Models for Predicting Milk Production: Their Evolution, Evaluation, and Application for the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) for Livestock.]
An Overview of Dairy Cattle Models for Predicting Milk Production: Their Evolution, Evaluation, and Application for the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) for Livestock.
Climate change is a major development challenge to Ethiopia. Climate change is expected to
adversely affect all economic sectors, eco-regions, and social groups. Agriculture is one of the
most vulnerable sectors as it is highly dependent on rainfall. This report synthesises four case
studies focu...
Bewket W
Radeny, Maren A.O.
Mungai, C
[Agricultural Adaptation and Institutional Responses to Climate Change Vulnerability in Ethiopia]
Agricultural Adaptation and Institutional Responses to Climate Change Vulnerability in Ethiopia
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Theme Linking Knowledge with Action (K2A) engaged in a two-year social learning process to develop tools, best practices and capacity building trainings around gender sensitive and participatory research for clima...
Ferdous, N.
Jost, Christine
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
[Closing the Relevance Gap: Lessons in Co-Developing Gender Transformative Research Approaches with Development Partners and Communities]
Closing the Relevance Gap: Lessons in Co-Developing Gender Transformative Research Approaches with Development Partners and Communities
The Climate Change and Social Learning Initiative is a cross-organisation group working to build a body of evidence on how social learning methodologies and approaches contribute towards development targets. Together with a select number of participating initiatives from a variety of organisation...
Epp, Marissa van
Garside, Ben
[Monitoring and Evaluating Social Learning: A Framework for Cross-Initiative Application]
Monitoring and Evaluating Social Learning: A Framework for Cross-Initiative Application
The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
engaged stakeholders in Africa, Asia and Latin America in the development of regional socioeconomic scenarios for policy development. These scenarios were framed and outlined by
regional experts and then quantifie...
Palazzo, Amanda
Vervoort, Joost M.
Havlík, Petr
Mason-D'Croz, Daniel
Islam, Shahnila
[Simulating stakeholder-driven food and climate scenarios for policy development in Africa, Asia and Latin America A multi-regional synthesis]
Simulating stakeholder-driven food and climate scenarios for policy development in Africa, Asia and Latin America A multi-regional synthesis
This paper analyses gender differences in awareness and adoption of climate-smart agricultural (CSA) practices. It examines what factors are associated with the likelihood of adoption of a wide range of CSA practices for 376 women and 375 men in two different areas of Kenya. This information is a...
Bernier, Quinn
Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S.
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Haglund, E
Kovarik, C.
Bryan, Elisabeth
Ringler, Claudia
Silvestri, Silvia
[Gender and Institutional Aspects of Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices: Evidence from Kenya]
Gender and Institutional Aspects of Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices: Evidence from Kenya
The project Integrated agricultural technologies for enhanced adaptive capacity and
resilient livelihoods in climate-smart villages (CSVs) of Southeast Asia aims to
provide climate-smart agriculture options to enhance adaptive capacity among CSV
farmers and stakeholders, and contribute to more cl...
Vernooy, Ronnie
Bertuso A
Pham H
Parker L
Kura Y
[Testing climate-smart agricultural technologies and practices in Southeast Asia: a manual for priority setting]
Testing climate-smart agricultural technologies and practices in Southeast Asia: a manual for priority setting
The purpose of this working paper is to provide insight into how we can use novel approaches to scale up research findings on climate-smart agriculture (CSA) to meaningfully address the challenges of poverty and climate change. The approaches described include those based on value chains and priv...
Westermann, Olaf
Thornton, Philip K.
Förch, Wiebke
[Reaching more farmers: Innovative approaches to scaling up climate-smart agriculture]
Reaching more farmers: Innovative approaches to scaling up climate-smart agriculture
To guide climate adaptation policies and investments, the majority of least developed
countries (LDCs) have developed National Adaptation Programmes of Action (NAPAs).
Agricultural biodiversity is an important, but often overlooked, element in climate adaptation;
new crop varieties, cropping and ...
Bedmar Villanueva, A.
Halewood, Michael
López Noriega, Isabel
[Agricultural biodiversity in climate change adaptation planning: An analysis of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action]
Agricultural biodiversity in climate change adaptation planning: An analysis of the National Adaptation Programmes of Action