Tropical soils are generally low in fertility, physically fragile and easily eroded when cleared of natural cover. Cultivation is carried out in the tropics purely for weed control, but this leads to accelerated soil erosion, as cultivated soil) has no protection. Gully erosion can be minimized b...
The monograph consists of two parts. The first part give a geographic overview of the region including, the topography, climate and natural vegetation. The total number of cattle, their distribution and methods of utilisation in the region outlined. The second part deals with the origin of tropic...
Payne, W.J.A.
[Cattle production in the Tropics. Volume 1, General introduction and breeds and breeding]
Cattle production in the Tropics. Volume 1, General introduction and breeds and breeding
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Lista descriptiva del germoplasma de Phaseolus spp. II. Materiales promisorios]
Lista descriptiva del germoplasma de Phaseolus spp. II. Materiales promisorios
This volume looks at various aspects of the culturally prescribed roles of women and men - that is, gender issues - in sub-Saharan Africa and their relevance to the recording of facts upon which national policies and plans promoting the welfare of labour and national economic development are supp...