Five new cassava mosaic disease resistant (CMD) varieties released to farmers in Nigeria were evaluated for mineral composition. Results show that TME 419 differed significantly (p<0.05) from other varieties in calcium (900ìg/ g) and manganese (32.3ìg/g) content. The hybrid check (TMS 30572) and...
Adeniji, T.A.
Sanni, L.O.
Barimalaa, I.S.
Hart, A.D.
[Mineral composition of five improved varieties of cassava]
Mineral composition of five improved varieties of cassava
The Green Revolution and increasing living standards of the people of India, especially in Kerala, have resulted in a gradual shift in the cassava utilization pattern. Despite the fact that India has the world’s highest cassava yield, the crop’s importance for food security is giving way to its r...
Premkumar, T.
Padmaja, G.
Moorthy, S.N.
Nanda, S.K.
George, Mathew
Balagopalan, C.
[New cassava products of future potential in India]
New cassava products of future potential in India
Current global starch production is approximating 50 million tonnes. While the starch production growth rate steadily continues to surpass average population growth figures, the make-up by starch source and production regions have been changing. The world share of cassava-based starches may range...
Henry, Guy
Westby, Andrew
[Global cassava starch markets current situation and outlook]
Global cassava starch markets current situation and outlook
For more than two decades Thailand has built up an intensive and highly profitable cassava processing and export industry, mainly due to favorable price and quota policy regimes with the European Community (EC). During the 1980`s however, internal EC political pressure has attempted to reduce Tha...
Henry, Guy
Klakhaeng, Kaival I.
Gottret, María Verónica
[Maintaining the edge: the case of cassava technology transfer in Thailand]
Maintaining the edge: the case of cassava technology transfer in Thailand
Resumen: La yuca ¨Waxy¨, variedad AM 206-5, libre de amilosa, fue reportada en 2006 en el proyecto de mejoramiento de yuca del CIAT, que busca desarrollar genotipos con características especiales en el almidón presente en sus raíces. Los almidones libre de amilosa tienen diferentes propiedades f...
Pizarro, Monica
Sánchez, Teresa
Ceballos, H.
Morante, Nelson
Dufour, D.L.
[Diversificación de los almidones de yuca y sus posibles usos en la industria alimentaria = Diversification of cassava starch and its possible uses in food industry]
Diversificación de los almidones de yuca y sus posibles usos en la industria alimentaria = Diversification of cassava starch and its possible uses in food industry
Boucher, François
[El sistema agroalimentario localizado de los productos lácteos de Cajamarca: Una nueva perspectiva para la agroindustria rural]
El sistema agroalimentario localizado de los productos lácteos de Cajamarca: Una nueva perspectiva para la agroindustria rural
Gottret, María Verónica
Ostertag Gálvez, Carlos F.
Alonso Alcalá, Lisímaco
Laing, DR
[Estudio de mercado de los diferentes usos de la yuca en Colombia : Informe final - primera fase]
Estudio de mercado de los diferentes usos de la yuca en Colombia : Informe final - primera fase
Recent studies have examined the urban metabolism of cities using urban consumption as a proxy for food inflows but very few studies have aimed at quantifying the role of cities as trade hubs and nutrient sinks of their hinterlands. We therefore examined the linkages between food and animal feed ...
Karg, H.
Akoto-Danso, Edmund K.
Drechsel, Pay
Abubakari, A.-H.
Buerkert, Andreas
[Food- and feed-based nutrient flows in two West African cities]
Food- and feed-based nutrient flows in two West African cities
Allen, T.
Prosperi, P.
Cogill, B.
Flichman, G.
[Agricultural biodiversity, social-ecological systems and sustainable diets]
Agricultural biodiversity, social-ecological systems and sustainable diets