The preceding chapter has demonstrated at the macro-level the importance of agricultural and economic growth for the significant reduction in rural poverty in MSEA that has occurred in recent decades. In this chapter we aim to identify and explain the major trends and trajectories of rice-farming...
Cramb, R.A.
Newby, Jonathan C.
[Trajectories of rice-farming households in mainland Southeast Asia]
Trajectories of rice-farming households in mainland Southeast Asia
For centuries, the populations of Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA) have endured material poverty, particularly in rural areas and among subsistence-oriented, rice-farming households. In the 20th century in particular, the impact of colonialism, war, and collectivist regimes exacerbated the poverty ...
Cramb, R.A.
Gray, G.D.
Gummert, M.
Haefele, S.M.
Lefroy, R.D.B.
Newby, Jonathan C.
Stür, Werner W.
Warr, P.
[Implications of farming trends for agricultural research in mainland Southeast Asia]
Implications of farming trends for agricultural research in mainland Southeast Asia
In the five countries of Mainland Southeast Asia (MSEA) that are the focus of this review, there is no questioning the importance of rice within the landscape, in the farming systems, in the diet, and even in cultural terms. Currently, an area of about 32 million ha is cultivated to rice each yea...
Lefroy, R.D.B.
[Non-rice crops in rice-based farming systems in mainland Southeast Asia]
Non-rice crops in rice-based farming systems in mainland Southeast Asia
López, A.J.
Hernández, L.A.
Hershey, Clair H.
Rodríguez, N.
[Tres nuevas variedades de yuca para la costa Atlantica: Seminario de prelanzamiento]
Tres nuevas variedades de yuca para la costa Atlantica: Seminario de prelanzamiento
Adaptability of 5 grass and 13 legume accessions tested in 34 regional agronomic trials throughout the South American humid tropics was assessed by conducting multilocational analysis on seasonal dry matter yield at 12 weeks regrowth. Among legumes, Stylosanthes guianensis CIAT 184 and 136, Desmo...
Keller-Grein, Gerhard
Amézquita, María Cristina
Lema, G
Franco, LH
[Multilocational testing of grasses and legumes in the humid tropics of South America]
Multilocational testing of grasses and legumes in the humid tropics of South America
This paper has been prepared under the guidelines provided by the TAP Secretariat at the FAO, as a contribution to the TAP, an initiative of the G.20, which includes near 40 partners, facilitated by the FAO.
Its purpose is to provide a Regional synthesis report on capacity needs assessment for a...
Pomareda, Carlos
[Innovations in the agriculture of Central America: progress, institutional capacity and policy needs]
Innovations in the agriculture of Central America: progress, institutional capacity and policy needs
Bationo, B. André
Ramisch, Joshua J.
Bado, BV
Kihara, Job
Vanlauwe, Bernard
Adamou, A.
Kimetu, J.
Tabo, Ramadjita
Lompo, F
Ouattara, B
Koala, Saidou
[Research highlights on integrated soil fertility management in the Sahel]
Research highlights on integrated soil fertility management in the Sahel
Most commercial Brachiaria species are adapted to low-fertility acid soils of the tropics. We describe, with examples, some of the attributes that enable them to adapt. These include the ability to (1) maintain root growth at the expense of shoot growth; (2) acquire and use both nitrate and ammon...
Rao, Idupulapati M.
Kerridge, Peter C.
Macedo, Manuel Cláudio Motta
[Nutritional requirements of Brachiaria and adaptation to acid soils]
Nutritional requirements of Brachiaria and adaptation to acid soils
Holmann, Federico J.
Rivas Ríos, Libardo
Pérez, E.
Castro, C.
Schuetz, P.
Rodríguez, J.
[La cadena de carne bovina en Costa Rica: identificación de temas críticos para impulsar su modernización, eficiencia y competitividad]
La cadena de carne bovina en Costa Rica: identificación de temas críticos para impulsar su modernización, eficiencia y competitividad
Holmann, Federico J.
Argel M., Pedro J.
Rivas Ríos, Libardo
White, D.
Estrada, R.D.
Burgos, C.
Pérez, E.
Ramírez G., G.
Medina, A.
[Vale la pena recuperar pasturas degradadas?: una evaluación desde la perspectiva de los productores y extensionistas pecuarios en Honduras]
Vale la pena recuperar pasturas degradadas?: una evaluación desde la perspectiva de los productores y extensionistas pecuarios en Honduras