P. nigra is a typical pioneer tree species of the riparian forest ecosystem. Therefore, the in situ gene conservation strategies and methods developed for other forest tree species are not always suitable. In fact, successful in situ conservation strategies for black poplar need to consider the c...
Lefèvre, F.
Barsoum, N.
Heinze, B.
Kajba, D.
Rotach, P.
de Vries, S.M.G.
Turok, J.
European Forest Genetic Resources Programme
[In situ conservation of Populus nigra]
In situ conservation of Populus nigra
This guide is for genebank managers who are considering undertaking evaluation trials on the genetic material in their care. It covers the stages involved in an experimental programme, from the determination of the objectives of each trial to the methods used for the analyses: a broader subject a...
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Design and analysis of evaluation trials of genetic resources collections: A guide for genebank managers]
Design and analysis of evaluation trials of genetic resources collections: A guide for genebank managers
Technical guidelines are targeted to practical forest managers and provide summarized information on the biology and ecology of tree species, distribution ranges, importance and use, genetic knowledge, threats to genetic diversity and recommendations for long-term genetic conservation. For the fu...
Traduction de la partie generale des directives pour l'echange securitaire du materiel genetique d'Eucalyptus de FAO/IPGRI et les conclusions du Panel d'experts.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Recommendations pour l'echange securitaire du materiel genetique: Eucalyptus]
Recommendations pour l'echange securitaire du materiel genetique: Eucalyptus
Technical guidelines are targeted to practical forest managers and provide summarized information on the biology and ecology of tree species, distribution ranges, importance and use, genetic knowledge, threats to genetic diversity and recommendations for long-term genetic conservation. For the fu...
Esta es una traduccion de la parte general de las directrices tecnicas para la transferencia segura de germoplasma del Eucalyptus de FAO/IPGRI y conclusiones del Grupo de expertos.
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
[Recomendaciones para la transferencia segura de germoplasma: Eucalyptus]
Recomendaciones para la transferencia segura de germoplasma: Eucalyptus
These technical guidelines are intended to assist those who cherish the valuable European beech genepool and its inheritance, through conserving valuable seed sources or use in practical forestry. The focus is on conserving the genetic diversity of the species at the European scale.
Los Manuales de Bioversity para Bancos de Germoplasma se han concebido para proporcionar información práctica a los curadores de los bancos y a otro personal que trabaja en ellos. El presente manual es una traducción de la versión original publicada en inglés en 2003. Este manual no pretende ser ...