The extent to which agricultural technologies have had an impact in the humid forest zone remains questionable as adoption levels have been low. The technologies developed emphasized on maintaining soil fertility and crop yields in short fallow systems. This chapter defines the problems and oppor...
Duindam, J.W.
Hauser, S.
[Prioritizing research efforts to increase onfarm income generation: the case of cassavabased farmers in periurban Southern Cameroon]
Prioritizing research efforts to increase onfarm income generation: the case of cassavabased farmers in periurban Southern Cameroon
Gauchan, D.
Pant, K.P.
Joshi, B.K.
[Technology transfer: Non-monetary benefit-sharing in support of conservation and sustainable use of PGRs]
Technology transfer: Non-monetary benefit-sharing in support of conservation and sustainable use of PGRs
This paper briefly discusses the major themes that comprise social impact assessment. It's intended to serve as a guide-post, that is, to raise questions about how a centre such as ILCA which is mandated to work on long term problems, maintains its focus on impact, is responsive to the needs of a...
This paper briefly discusses the major themes that comprise social impact assessment. It's intended to serve as a guide-post, that is, to raise questions about how a centre such as ILCA which is mandated to work on long term problems, maintains its focus on impact, is responsive to the needs of a...
Pérez, A.T.
Mahapatra, I.C.
[Case studies of technology transfer in West Africa: Nigeria and Sierra Leone]
Case studies of technology transfer in West Africa: Nigeria and Sierra Leone
The two days of discussion highlighted several areas of need in developing a Bean Production Improvement Programme. The most critical need appeared to be an evaluation of seed availability and the use of new seed varieties within existing mixtures. Other ideas included intensifying the maize-bean...
Durante los 2 dias de discusiones se destacaron algunas areas en que se necesitan desarrollar en un programa de mejoramiento de produccion de frijol. La necesidad mas critica parece ser una evaluacion de la disponibilidad de semilla y el uso de nuevas var. dentro de las mezclas existentes. Otras ...
Malgre la dependance du Burundi au sectcur agri cole, I' agriculture ne s 'es! pas encore modernisee et continue it etre majorita irement une agriculture de subsistance, utilisant une technologic rudimentaire. Pour inverser la tendance. il fa ut developper des nouvelles techniques de production. ...
Manirakiza, D.
Hatungimana, H.
Njukwe, E.
[Performances de transfert des paquets technologiques en milieu rural: cas des ONGs locales]
Performances de transfert des paquets technologiques en milieu rural: cas des ONGs locales
Se presentan resultados de la investigacion en produccion y utilizacion de pastos y forrajes que indican que en condiciones relativamente buenas de fertilidad natural y de retencion de humedad de los suelos, representadas por la region del litoral ecuatoriano entre Quevedo y Santo Domingo, es pos...
Tergas, Luis Eduardo
[Pasture research and technology transfer in two Latin American cattle development programs: Ecuador and Panama]
Pasture research and technology transfer in two Latin American cattle development programs: Ecuador and Panama
The objectives of the diagnosis of bean production are to (1) contribute criteria for the design and completion of on-farm trials of the new bean technology and (2) to take information to research centers that helps define bean research priorities. A summary is presented of the methodology sugges...
Los objetivos del diagnostico de la produccion de frijol son 1) aportar criterios para diseno y ejecucion de ensayos de nueva tecnologia de frijol en fincas de agricultores y 2) llevar informacion a los centros de investigacion que ayude a definir prioridades de investigacion en frijol. Se presen...
Ruiz de Londoño, Norha
Pachico, Douglas H.
[Metodologia del diagnostico de la produccion de frijol]
Metodologia del diagnostico de la produccion de frijol