Graves, P. M
Brabin, Bernard J
Charlwood, J. D
Burkot, T. R
Cattani, Jacqueline Ann
Ginny, M
Paino, J
Gibson, F. D
Alpers, M. P
[Reduction in incidence and prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum in under 5-year-old children by permethrin impregnation of mosquito nets / P. M. Graves ... [et al.]]
Organisation mondiale de la Santé
[Choix en matière de procréation et planification familiale pour les personnes vivant avec le VIH [graphic] : outil de conseil, Reproductive choices and family planning for people living with HIV [graphic] : counselling tool, 2012 révision]
World Health Organization
FIA Foundation for the Automobile and Society
Global Road Safety Partnership
World Bank
[Data systems: a road safety manual for decision-makers and practitioners]
World Health Organization
[Country experiences in implementing patient monitoring systems for HIV care and antiretroviral therapy in Ethiopia, Guyana and India : an overview of best practices and lessons learned]
World Health Organization
[Delivering HIV test results and messages for re-testing and counselling in adults, Rendre les résultats d'un test VIH, communiquer les messages pour refaire le test et fournir un conseil à l'adulte]