Cetaceans inhabit marine coastal ecosystems where numerous human activities take place. Most the them as marine traffic, whale-watching tourism and/or pollution may put at risk the welfare and survival of cetacean species. In countries of the Southeastern Pacific as Chile and Peru, there is a lac...
Diversas rutas de señalización están relacionadas con el desarrollo del cáncer de colon, siendo la vía Wnt/β-catenina una de las más importantes. La proteína kinasa CK2 participa directamente en la activación de esta ruta, lo que lleva al aumento de la expresión de genes blanco de β-catenina, com...
Colorectal cancer (CRC) has a high mortality due to liver and lung metastasis. In Chile, CRC represents the fourth cancer death cause in both sexes; moreover, CRC is one of the malignant tumors with the highest incidence and mortality rate. At cellular level, various signaling pathways are relate...
El presente documento es la primera formulación en Chile de un plan de desarrollo de las Ciencias Biológicas básicas, las que no han sido hasta el momento incorporadas, al menos formalmente a un esquema nacional integral de desarrollo.
La distrofia de Duchenne es una enfermedad genética, que causa cardio-miopatía y posteriormente la muerte.
Una de las características de esta enfermedad es el aumento en estrés oxidativo proveniente de la NADPH oxidasa (NOX). Postulamos que este estrés interfiere con una correcta ubica-ción de la...
Duchenne dystrophy is a fatal progressive genetic disease that causes cardiomyopathy. One of the features of this disease is oxidative stress, which derives mainly from NADPH oxidase (NOX) in the dystrophic heart. It has been shown that oxidative stress interferes with connexin 43 (Cx43) location...
Trust-repayment behavior is crucial to establish and maintain cooperative links between different (even genetically unrelated) individuals. However, neither the exact nature of this behavior considered mainly as reciprocity, an intentions-based behavior), nor its underlying neural basis, re cle...
Schizophrenia is a neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by the presence of several symptoms including social withdrawal, cognitive impairments and psychosis. Additionally, other less known traits are observed such as olfactory deficiencies, locomotor dysfunction and circadian and sleep disrupt...
La esquizofrenia es una enfermedad neuropsiquiátrica caracterizada por diversos síntomas. Sin embargo, aun no está claro cuáles son los factores involucrados en el comienzo y progresión de estos rasgos. Esta enfermedad posee una alta heredabilidad y varios de los genes que se han asociado a ella,...
La homeostasis de la glucosa es un mecanismo fisiológicamente balanceado que depende
fundamentalmente de la secreción de insulina por parte de las células β pancreáticas y de la
translocación de GLUT4 a la membrana plasmática. Ambos eventos de fusión de membranas
son mediados por la familia de pr...
Glucose homeostasis is a physiologically balanced mechanism that depends mainly on the
secretion of insulin by pancreatic β cells and the translocation of GLUT4 to the plasma
membrane. Both membrane fusion events are mediated by the SNAREs family of proteins and
the absence of proteins from th...
We aimed to delinate species and study the speciation process in a group of cryptic species. We used molecular markers, microsatellites and NGS in order to study such process, The results showed a high species diversity, the existence of hybridization and reproductive barriers between some groups.
El objetivo de esta tesis fue delimitar especies y estudiar el proceso de especiación en un grupo de especies crípticas. Para ello utilizamos marcadores moleculares, microsatélites y NGS para estudiar dicho proceso. Los resultados mostraron una alta diversidad de especies, la existencia de hibrid...
Horizontal gene transfer is a fundamental strategy for prokaryotic adaptation and surveillance, so improving the knowledge in this field could turn in a strategy for the exploitation and improve of biological process applied to the industry. In the extremophile bioleaching bacterium Acidithiobaci...
Somatolactin (SL), a fish hypophyseal hormone involved in background adaptation, reproduction and fatty acid metabolism might be affected by estrogenic endocrine disruptor compounds. Two sl transcripts were detected in pituitary of Cyprinus carpio, slα and slβ, with only about 47,6% identity of c...