Moderate high temperatures (15–32°C) and a decrease in rainfall are projected due to climate
change for temperate areas of southern Chile, which is a high potential environment for potato.
Current temperatures in these regions are in the optimum range for potato, therefore moderate
temperature i...
Desde el punto de vista del mecanismo de ovulación, los mamíferos han sido divididos en
dos grandes grupos, los ovuladores espontáneos en los cuales el estímulo hormonal del estradiol
producido por un folículo preovulatorio desencadena el proceso ovulatorio y los ovuladores
inducidos o re...
Mammals have been divided into two large groups according to the mechanisms of
ovulation, spontaneous ovulators in which the hormonal stimulus of estradiol produced by a
preovulatory follicle triggers the ovulatory process and induced or reflex ovulators, in which the
physical stimul...
La maduración de frutos es un proceso que involucra la sumatoria de eventos que ocurren a nivel molecular. La coordinación espacio-temporal de ellos favorece cambios que inducen el desarrollo de un fruto atractivo para el consumo, con cualidades particulares como aroma, sabor, textura y color, qu...
Fruit ripening is a process that involves the sum of events that occur at the molecular level. The spatio-temporal coordination of them promotes several changes that induce the development of an attractive fruit to eat, with particular qualities such as aroma, taste, texture and color, which make...
The poultry and pig raising activity in backyard production systems (BPS) represents an important percentage of livestock production worldwide. These production systems are characterized by low levels of biosecurity, becoming potential maintainers of zoonotic agents. In Chile, BPS are concentrate...
La actividad de crianza de aves y cerdos en los sistemas productivos de traspatio (SPT) representa un porcentaje importante dentro la actividad de producción animal a nivel mundial. Dichos sistemas de producción se caracterizan por presentar bajos niveles de bioseguridad, transformándose en poten...
Water is the main limiting factor for poplar plantations in the Mediterranean zone of central Chile. Overall, water requirements in these plantations may be estimated using climatic and soil moisture data. However, irrigation strategies can be improved if growth and plant water status are conside...
El agua es la principal limitante para las plantaciones de álamos en la zona mediterránea del centro de Chile. En general, los requerimientos hídricos de estas plantaciones pueden estimarse utilizando datos climáticos y de humedad del suelo. Sin embargo, las estrategias de riego pueden mejorarse ...
Climatic change and global warming are posing a threat to food security worldwide. One of the biggest consequences of climate change is severe drought events, which may substantially impact economically important crop species. Thus, drought stress has been considered to be one of the most limitin...
El cambio climático plantea una creciente amenaza a la seguridad alimentaria a nivel mundial. Una de las principales consecuencias del cambio climático son los eventos de sequía, que pueden causar impactos negativos en especies de cultivo agrícola, debido a que este estrés es considerado como uno...
The research projects covered in this dissertation were carried out under organic certified dairy management systems and were intended to provide basic information on the implementation of strategies for nutritional management, prevention and early detection of disease on dairy cows. Organic dair...
En el año 2008 se registraron brotes de Bronquitis Infecciosa (IB) en planteles vacunados, y el
2011 se autorizó el ingreso de la vacuna 4/91 a Chile, la que no había sido descrita previamente en
el país. Se aislaron cepas de los años 1986, 1988, 2009, 2015 y 2017 para ser estudiadas
In 2008 Infectious Bronchitis (IB) outbreaks were registered in vaccinated flocks, and in 2011 the
4/91 vaccine income in Chile was approved, which had not been previously described in the
country. Strains from 1986, 1988, 2009, 2015 and 2017 were isolated to be studied
phylogenetically, antig...
Grapevine rupestris stem pitting associated virus (GRSPaV) is one of the most prevalent grapevine viruses and is highly recalcitrant to sanitation techniques. There is little clarity of the real impact of this virus and it has even been suggested that it may have a beneficial effect on the plant....
Grapevine rupestris stem pitting associated virus (GRSPaV) es uno de los virus de vid con mayor prevalencia y es altamente recalcitrante a las técnicas de saneamiento. Existe poca claridad del real impacto de este virus e incluso se ha planteado que pueda tener un efecto benéfico sobre la planta....