Mediante un enfoque etnográfico que complementa conversaciones, recorridos y encuestas productivas, este estudio se adentra en la apicultura doméstica realizada en el valle de Colliguay, comuna de Quilpué, Quinta región de Chile. Esta es una actividad que emerge como resultado de profundas transf...
Through an ethnographic approach that complements conversations, tours and surveys of productive characterization is that the present study aims to approach the domestic beekeeping in the valley of Colliguay, Quilpué, fifth region of Chile. This is an activity that emerges as a result of deep tra...
Trujillo Bilbao, Felipe Eduardo
[Chilean central valley beekeeping as socially inclusive conservation practice in a social water scarcity context]
[La apicultura del valle central chileno como práctica de conservación socialmente inclusiva en un contexto de escasez hídrica socialmente construida]
La apicultura del valle central chileno como práctica de conservación socialmente inclusiva en un contexto de escasez hídrica socialmente construida
El “Pitao” (Pitavia punctata Molina) es una especie arbórea, siempreverde, endémica de Chile, en peligro
de extinción y declarada Monumento Natural. Su distribución geográfica originalmente descrita era
desde la VII a la VIII Región, situación que se modificó en 1985 al encontrarse una población ...
The Pitao (Pitavia punctata Molina) is an evergreen and endemic tree from Chile. It is classified as “in
danger of extinction”, due to the shortage of its population. Its distribution range was supposed to be
between VII and VIII region, but in 1985 was discovered in the Malleco province in the I...
Hasta hace pocos años se creía que el género Berberidopsis era endémico de Chile y monotípico, es decir,
propio de nuestro país y poseía una sola especie. Sin embargo, Veldkam (1984) incluye en él, además
de Berberidopsis corallina Hook. f. de Chile, a B. beckleri (F. & M.) Veldk. de Australia. A...
We analize the current distribution of coralillo in Chile, Berberidopsis corallina Hooker (Berberidopsidaceae),
which has apparently extended its range of distribution and the area of its populations in the
last years. This is the result of the record increase. We discuss the current conservation...
The expansion of cities promotes the replacement of local biotas with exotic species causing a decrease in global diversity. As urbanization continues to expand, efforts directed towards the conservation within urban landscapes could support regional biodiversity conservation. The biogeographic r...
La expansión de las ciudades promueve el reemplazo de biotas locales (nativas) por especies exóticas, lo que causa una disminución en la diversidad. A medida que la urbanización continúa, los esfuerzos dirigidos a la conservación dentro de los paisajes urbanos podrían apoyar la conservación de la...
Santilli, Ludovica
Castro, Sergio A
Figueroa, Javier A.
Guerrero, Nicole
Ray, Cristian
Romero Mieres, Mario
Rojas, Gloria
Lavandero, Nicolás
[Las especies exóticas predominan en la flora leñosa urbana de Chile central]
[Exotic species predominates in the urban woody flora of central Chile]
Exotic species predominates in the urban woody flora of central Chile
Solanum fernandezianum is an endemic species in danger of extinction the Robinson Crusoe Island, Chile. The fruit was collected during March and April of 2002. The seeds were storaged for a year to 4°C. The percentage of germination in laboratory conditions was 14.3%. After 22 weeks plants initia...
We classified 30 species of raptors in Chile using the technique proposed by Reca et al. (1994) and the conservation categories proposed by Grigera and Úbeda (2000). The results were obtained by means of an index that considers 12 variables that represent factors of importance for the survival or...
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
Rodas-Trejo, J.
Almanza, V.P.
Rau, J.R
[The conservation status of raptors in Chile]
[Estado de conservación de las aves rapaces de Chile]
Estado de conservación de las aves rapaces de Chile
A study was made of the geographic distribution of swamp forest in the coastal territory of the Araucanía Region, Chile. An analysis of maps, aerial photographs, and satellite images was carried out, together with field work, to determine the location, degree of fragmentation, shape of fragments ...
Peña Cortés, Fernando
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
Bertrán, Carlos
Tapia, Jaime
Hauenstein Barra, Enrique
Fernandez, Eduardo
[A study of the geographic distribution of swamp forest in the coastal zone of the Araucanía Region, Chile]
A study of the geographic distribution of swamp forest in the coastal zone of the Araucanía Region, Chile
Since 1985, the Chilean government with the participation and support of different specialists in plant and animal conservation, started the publication of checklists (i.e. red books) of plant (1985) and animal species (1987) with high to moderate risk of extinction due to human activities (i.e. ...
El creciente interés a nivel mundial por el estudio de las aves rapaces ha generado la necesidad de identificar las prioridades de investigación para así enfocar los esfuerzos de conservación sobre ellas. En Chile, las primeras investigaciones se inician en 1891, y el número de publicaciones se h...
Increasing global interest for studying birds of prey has lead to the need to identify research priorities to better focus conservation efforts. In Chile, studies on raptors date back to 1891, and the number of publications has considerably increased in the last decades. To our knowledge, however...