The growing interest in Cornrnunicative Language Teaching has placed speaking as a
relevant skill. Oral skills - both speaking and listening - are at the very foundation of
literacy. Classroom talk helps students learn, reflect on what they are learning, and
communicate their knowledge and unders...
Carvallo Torres, Ana María
Montenegro Balbontin, Fernando
[The effect that self-esteem, academic self-concept and willingness to communicate in English have on oral production in Chilean non-major English freshmen university students]
The effect that self-esteem, academic self-concept and willingness to communicate in English have on oral production in Chilean non-major English freshmen university students
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los efectos de una metodología de Foco en
Forma en la producción escrita de una postal realizada por estudiantes adultos.
La información fue obtenida de estudiantes universitarios de segundo año cursando
la carrera de ingeniería. Estos estudiantes pertenec...
This study aimed at analyzing the effects of a Focus on Form methodology over adult
students' written production of a postcard. The data was collected from second year
university students enrolled in an engineering program. These students belonged to
level A2 according to the Common European Fram...
Naudy Cortés, Patricia Solange
[Effects of a focus on form methodology over adult student's written production]
Effects of a focus on form methodology over adult student's written production