There are many factors involved when learning a second language. The present research shows how two of these variables influence elementary school students in three public schools in Chile. Activities, specially designed according to students' learning styles, were done with eighth grade students...
Hay muchos factores involucrados al aprender un segundo idioma. La siguiente investigación muestra el cómo dos de estas variables influencian a estudiantes de colegios básicos en tres escuelas públicas en Chile. Actividades, especialmente designadas de acuerdo al estilo de aprendizaje de los estu...
Guajardo Cáceres, Javier
Jara del Pino, Nicole
Montenegro Bustamante, Paula
Toro González, Macarena
[Learning styles and language learning :a research in 8th grade classrooms]
Learning styles and language learning :a research in 8th grade classrooms
Over the past years, the use of students’ first language (L1) in the classroom has been a highly discussed topic in the EFL classroom as well as in the field of second language (L2) teaching/learning research. There is a tendency that advocates communicative language teaching which suggests that ...
En los últimos años, el uso de la primera lengua de los estudiantes ha sido un tema altamente discutido en las salas de clases y en la investigación de la enseñanza de inglés como Lengua Extranjera. Existe una tendencia general de prohibir el uso de la primera lengua, sin embargo, aún existen vac...
Angulo Herrera, Isidora
Areyuna Campos, Yocelyn Soledad
Muñoz Pastén, Francisca Belén
Oróstica Garrido, Natalia Andrea
Polanco Soto, Mical Betsabé
Yañéz Aragonés, Valentina Belén
[First language in the classroom: the forbidden fruit?]
First language in the classroom: the forbidden fruit?
This qualitative study is set up on the perceptions that four English teachers, from a private university in Santiago, have regarding their beliefs on EFL pre-service teachers’ willingness to communicate. In order to discover their beliefs, semi-structured interviews and observations were carried...
Este estudio cualitativo se basa en las percepciones que tienen cuatro profesores de inglés de una universidad privada en Santiago con respecto a sus creencias sobre la disposición de los estudiantes de la carrera de Pedagogía en inglés para comunicarse en una segunda lengua. Para descubrir sus c...
Alvear Saldías, Francisca Alejandra
Cáceres Valeria, Denisse Andrea
Marín Navarro, Simone Andrea
Morales Coria, Javiera Constanza
[Teacher educators beliefs on EFL pre-service teachers willingness to communicate in the L2]
Teacher educators beliefs on EFL pre-service teachers willingness to communicate in the L2
The main purpose of this research is to obtain information about the actual Use and Implementation of English textbooks provided by the Ministry of Education (MINEDUC) according to the opinions of four English Language teachers as a Foreign Language (EFL) who participated in this study. The goal ...
El principal propósito de esta investigación es obtener información
sobre el real uso e implementación de los libros de Inglés proporcionados
por el Ministerio de Educación (MINEDUC) de acuerdo a las opiniones de los
cuatro profesores de la lengua Inglesa como idioma extranjero que
participaron e...
Cartagena Salgado, Tamara
Franco Muñoz, Fernanda
Iturriaga Morales, Pablo
Keidong Acevedo, Raisa Oksan
Palominos Rengifo, María Paz
Slachevsky Harvey, Michele
Vergara Joost, Karina
[Teacher's opinions regarding the MINEDUC'S english textbooks implementation and their actual use: a case study]
Teacher's opinions regarding the MINEDUC'S english textbooks implementation and their actual use: a case study
The lack of learning English effectively in the Chilean public school has produced a wide gap between public and private schools. The Dialogic Pedagogy of the Interactive groups, which focuses on communicative activities and collaborative work, has become the potential solution that will narrow t...
La falta de aprendizaje de inglés de manera efectiva en Chile ha producido una amplia brecha entre las escuelas públicas y privadas. La Pedagogía Dialógica de los Grupos Interactivos, que se centra en las actividades comunicativas y el trabajo colaborativo, se ha convertido en la solución potenci...
Salcedo Hernández, Mónica Paulina
[The Process of learning english as a foreign language through the interactive methodology of the dialogic pedagogy "Enlazando Mundos" in a vulnerable school context located in Penco]
The Process of learning english as a foreign language through the interactive methodology of the dialogic pedagogy "Enlazando Mundos" in a vulnerable school context located in Penco
The purpose of this research project was to explore the Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
principles as an effective tool in a EFL class for young learners. A secondary purpose of this
investigation is to measure the use of UDL principle and its impact on the development of
reading comprehensio...
La finalidad de este proyecto de investigación fue explorar los principios del Diseño Universal
para el Aprendizaje (DUA) como una herramienta efectiva en una clase de inglés como lengua
extranjera en alumnos pequeños. Un segundo propósito de esta investigación es medir el uso de
los principios d...
Fuentes Zapata, Karen Cristina
[Universal design for learning principles used as an effective tool for the development of reading comprehension]
Universal design for learning principles used as an effective tool for the development of reading comprehension
Participation has been studied by many researchers during the last years. Researchers and important authorities related to the educational field highlight the importance of having students who actively participate inside the classrooms. Participation promotes interaction, which is a key element i...
Banchero Afani, Piero
Cárdenas Caro, Ignacia
Cusicanqui Cordano, Andrea
Moya Labraña, Francisca
Muñoz Córdoba, Catherine
Young Ruz, Giselle
[High School students' participation and the provision of choice]
High School students' participation and the provision of choice
This study followed a quantitative survey research design. The main purpose of the research was to explore Chilean English teachers’ perceptions of their working conditions, and compare the perceptions of teachers from the public, semi-private and private school systems. The data was collected by...
El presente estudio utilizó el diseño de encuesta cuantitativa. El propósito principal de nuestra investigación fue explorar las percepciones de los profesores de inglés chilenos acerca de sus condiciones laborales, y comparar estas percepciones de los profesores del sistema público, subvencionad...
Azaharvich Paredes, Alberto
González Muñoz, Vanessa
Paredes Meneses, Ángela
Pérez Trejo, Francisca
[Chilean EFL teachers`perceptions of their working condition in the private, semi -private and public school systems]
Chilean EFL teachers`perceptions of their working condition in the private, semi -private and public school systems
Within the chilean educational context, there is an emphatic, strong interest for teaching english language effectively in order to constitute a bilingual country in a near future. Nevertheless, and as time passes by, the current teaching methods have not shown improvements in new generations, an...
Angel, Daniela
Antilao, Giovana
Araos, Constanza
Eckholt, Camila
Fuenzalida, Mahyckol
Herrera, Camila
Reyes, Carla
[Teacher's attitudes towards the inclusion of speaking tasks and their actual practices in chilean EFL classroom]
Teacher's attitudes towards the inclusion of speaking tasks and their actual practices in chilean EFL classroom
Interaction has played a central role in the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) during
the last decades. In this light, this study sought to evidence the quality and quantity of
interaction generated in communicative tasks by learners of English as a foreign language. The
tasks were desig...
La interacción ha jugado un rol central en las últimas décadas en el campo de estudio de la
Adquisición de Segundas Lenguas (ASL). En este marco, el presente estudio buscó evidenciar
la cantidad y calidad de interacción generada en tareas comunicativas por estudiantes de inglés
como lengua extran...
Dysli Núñez, Evelyn
[Amount and quality of negotiation in collaborative tasks in english as a foreign language]
Amount and quality of negotiation in collaborative tasks in english as a foreign language