Understanding the impacts of climate change on agriculture, associated landscapes and natural resources in general is crucial if local development efforts are to be tailored towards addressing the impacts of climate change. Simplification of scientific concepts can help local planners at differen...
Gonsalves, Julian
Sebastian, Leocadio S.
Joven, B.P.
Amutan C
Lucerna A
[Climate-Smart Villages: Key Concepts. A primer for CCAFS partners in Southeast Asia]
Climate-Smart Villages: Key Concepts. A primer for CCAFS partners in Southeast Asia
Este folleto se publica en el marco del proyecto “Servicios agroclimáticos e información de seguridad alimentaria para una mejor toma de decisiones – AgroClimas” (http://bit.ly/AgroClimas), apoyado por el Programa de Investigación de CGIAR en Cambio Climático, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria ...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Guía de enfermedades y plagas del fríjol en Colombia]
Guía de enfermedades y plagas del fríjol en Colombia
Este folleto se publica en el marco del proyecto “Servicios agroclimáticos e información de seguridad alimentaria para una mejor toma de decisiones – AgroClimas” (http://bit.ly/AgroClimas), apoyado por el Programa de Investigación de CGIAR en Cambio Climático, Agricultura y Seguridad Alimentaria ...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Consideraciones para la producción artesanal de semilla de fríjol. Cartilla 3]
Consideraciones para la producción artesanal de semilla de fríjol. Cartilla 3
This group logbook is designed to facilitate the recording of the PSP-group’s observations and monitoring of weather, management, and impacts on farming. Intended for facilitators, this logbook complements or supersedes farmers’ individual logbooks and records a minimum of information. This publi...
Le, Tam Thi
Giang Thi Thu Luu
Simelton, Elisabeth
Chi Thi Linh Le
Duong, Minh Tuan
Hoa Dinh Le
Huong Thi Tong
[Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP) Group Logbook for Facilitator]
[Sổ nhật ký nhóm dành cho thúc đẩy viên]
Sổ nhật ký nhóm dành cho thúc đẩy viên
This guide addresses the issue of identifying priority interventions for communities
in the face of climate change. The manual is about participatory approach
of inventorizing and prioritizing climate-smart crop-livestock-agroforestry and
social technologies / practices. The guide provides a step...
Bayala, Jules
Ayantunde, Augustine A.
Somda, Jacques
Ky-Dembele, Catherine
Bationo, B. André
Sanogo, Diaminatou
Tougiani, Abasse
Zougmoré, Robert B.
[Methodological guide: Community participatory inventory and prioritization of climate-smart crop-livestock agroforestry technologies / practices]
Methodological guide: Community participatory inventory and prioritization of climate-smart crop-livestock agroforestry technologies / practices
This group logbook is designed to facilitate the recording of the PSP-group’s observations and monitoring of weather, management, and impacts on farming. Intended for facilitators, this logbook complements or supersedes farmers’ individual logbooks and records a minimum of information. This publi...
Le, Tam Thi
Giang Thi Thu Luu
Simelton, Elisabeth
Chi Thi Linh Le
Duong, Minh Tuan
Hoa Dinh Le
Huong Thi Tong
[Sổ nhật ký nhóm dành cho thúc đẩy viên]
[Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP) Group Logbook for Facilitator.]
Participatory Scenario Planning (PSP) Group Logbook for Facilitator.
This logbook is designed for farmers to observe weather, management, outputs, and impacts of a farming practice. This logbook aims to: encourage farmers to document their observations and management; to monitor and evaluate interventions; and to encourage social learning.
Ấn phẩm này giới thiệu một số mô hình/thực hành Nông nghiệp Thích ứng Thông minh với Khí hậu (CSA) được cải thiện từ những thực hành của người dân địa phương và từ các nghiên cứu và thử nghiệm tại Làng Nông Thuận Thiên- thôn Mỹ Lợi, xã Kỳ Sơn, huyện Kỳ Anh, tỉnh Hà Tĩnh, Việt Nam. Được tuyển tập ...
Le Thi Tam
[Portfolio of CSA practices for scaling]
[Tuyển tập các mô hình Nông nghiệp Thích ứng Thông minh với Khí hậu (CSA) có thể nhân rộng]
Tuyển tập các mô hình Nông nghiệp Thích ứng Thông minh với Khí hậu (CSA) có thể nhân rộng
N2Africa project
Africa Soil Health Consortium
[Better soybean through good agricultural practices]
Better soybean through good agricultural practices
This logbook is designed for farmers to observe weather, management, outputs, and impacts of a farming practice. This logbook aims to: encourage farmers to document their observations and management; to monitor and evaluate interventions; and to encourage social learning.