Conservation projects have often been criticised for creating global benefits while causing negative impacts on local livelihoods. Ecosystem services approaches have been seen as one way to change this by focussing explicitly on maintaining ecosystems for human well-being of stakeholders at vario...
Byg, A.
Novo, P.
Dinato, M.
Moges, A.
Tefera, T.
Balana, Bedru B.
Woldeamanuel, T.
Black, H.
[Trees, soils, and warthogs - distribution of services and disservices from reforestation areas in southern Ethiopia]
Trees, soils, and warthogs - distribution of services and disservices from reforestation areas in southern Ethiopia
The success of long-term sustainable management of natural resources depends on local people’s support. Assessing local people’s attitudes, taking into account their needs, and respecting their opinions should become a management priority. In India, in the last 20 years, community needs and aspir...
Macura, B.
Zorondo-Rodríguez, F.
Grau-Satorras, M.
Demps, K.
Laval, M.
García, C.A.
Reyes García, Victoria
[Local community attitudes toward forests outside protected areas in India: impact of legal awareness, trust, and participation]
Local community attitudes toward forests outside protected areas in India: impact of legal awareness, trust, and participation
Ngakan, P.O.
Komarudin, H.
Achmad, A.
Tako, A.
[Ketergantungan, persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap sumberdaya hayati hutan: studi kasus di dusun Pampli kabupaten Luwu utara, Sulawesi selatan]
Ketergantungan, persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap sumberdaya hayati hutan: studi kasus di dusun Pampli kabupaten Luwu utara, Sulawesi selatan
Keding, G.B.
Kehlenbeck, K.
Kennedy, G.
McMullin, S.
[Fruit production and consumption: practices, preferences and attitudes of women in rural western Kenya]
Fruit production and consumption: practices, preferences and attitudes of women in rural western Kenya
Smallholder farmers dependent on rain‐fed agriculture experience seasonal variationsin food and nutrient availability occasioned by seasonality of production patterns. This results in periods of nutrient abundance in the plenty seasons followed closely by periods of nutrient inadequacies and maln...
Oduor, F.O.
Boedecker, J.
Kennedy, G.
Mituki‐Mungiria, D.
Termote, C.
[Caregivers' nutritional knowledge and attitudes mediate seasonal shifts in children's diets]
Caregivers' nutritional knowledge and attitudes mediate seasonal shifts in children's diets
The objective of organizing this dataset was to measure farmers’ attitudes and assess determinants of adaptation to climate risks in East Africa. This dataset comprises information about farmers’ adaptation strategies to climate risks in four CCAFS sites in east Africa, namely Nyando, Kenya; Hoim...
Shikuku, K.M.
Winowiecki, Leigh A.
Twyman, Jennifer
Eitzinger, Anton
Pérez, Juan G.
Mwongera, Caroline
Läderach, Peter
[Replication Data for: Smallholder farmers’ attitudes and determinants of adaptation to climate risks in East Africa]
Replication Data for: Smallholder farmers’ attitudes and determinants of adaptation to climate risks in East Africa
Dione, Michel M.
Amia, Winfred C.
Akol, J.
Kungu, J.
Lule, Peter M.
Mayega, L.
Nyapendi, R.
Kakinda, M.J.
Ouma, Emily A.
[Impact of participatory training on biosecurity protocols on the knowledge, attitudes and practices of smallholder pig farmers in Uganda]
Impact of participatory training on biosecurity protocols on the knowledge, attitudes and practices of smallholder pig farmers in Uganda
Despite decades of gender mainstreaming in the water sector, a wide gap between policy commitments and outcomes remains. This study aims at offering a fresh perspective on such policy gaps, by analysing how gendered discourses, institutions and professional culture contribute to policy gaps. We r...
Shrestha, Gitta
Clement, Floriane
[Unravelling gendered practices in the public water sector in Nepal]
Unravelling gendered practices in the public water sector in Nepal
Loft, L.
Le, D.N.
Pham, T.T.
Yang, A.L.
Tjajadi, J.S.
Wong, G.Y.
[Whose Equity Matters?: National to Local Equity Perceptions in Vietnam's Payments for Forest Ecosystem Services Scheme]
Whose Equity Matters?: National to Local Equity Perceptions in Vietnam's Payments for Forest Ecosystem Services Scheme
Viens, Daniel
Lynch, James
[ Madagascar - A Decade of Reform and Innovation in Higher Education Institutional Capacity-Building in a Developmental Perspective , Madagascar - Dix ans de reformes et
d'innovation au niveau de l'education superieure :
renforcement des capacites institutionnelles dans une
optique de developpement ]