CIAT's bean database was designed to deal with 2 main groups of data: the identification and origins of bean accessions and their characteristics. The 1st category is nearly complete, in terms of both storing data previously held in other files and of providing an on-line data management system. ...
La base de datos de frijol del CIAT se diseno para el manejo de 2 grupos principales de datos: la identificacion y el origen de las accesiones de frijol y sus caracteristicas. La primera categoria esta casi completa, en terminos del almacenamiento de datos que pertenecian a otros archivos y en pr...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Actividades de germoplasma de frijol. Manejo de datos de germoplasma]
Actividades de germoplasma de frijol. Manejo de datos de germoplasma
During early 1986 computer programs were written to manage the expt. part of the bean database. In mid-year the programs were redesigned and recompiled to better access the data. In all, some 53 new dialogs were written to facilitate consultation of the bean database. All of the bean evaluation n...
A principios de 1986, se elaboraron programas de computador para manejar la parte de expt. de la base de datos de frijol. A mediados del mismo ano, se redisenaron y recopilaron dichos programas para tener un mejor acceso a los datos. En total, se elaboraron 53 dialogos para facilitar la consulta ...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Actividades con germoplasma de frijol. Manejo de datos]
Actividades con germoplasma de frijol. Manejo de datos
During early 1986 computer programs were written to manage the expt. part of the bean database. In mid-year the programs were redesigned and recompiled to better access the data. In all, some 53 new dialogs were written to facilitate consultation of the bean database. All of the bean evaluation n...
A principios de 1986, se elaboraron programas de computador para manejar la parte de expt. de la base de datos de frijol. A mediados del mismo ano, se redisenaron y recopilaron dichos programas para tener un mejor acceso a los datos. En total, se elaboraron 53 dialogos para facilitar la consulta ...
Djanibekov, Nodir
Sommer, Rolf
[Integrated decision support for sustainable and profitable land management in the lowlands of Central Asia]
Integrated decision support for sustainable and profitable land management in the lowlands of Central Asia