The stakeholder workshop on “Improving Resilience to Climate Impacts in West Africa
Through Improved Availability, Access and Use of Climate Information: Dialogue With
Users” was convened by the Centre Regional de Formation et d'Application en
Agrométéorologie et Hydrologie Opérationnelle (AGRHYM...
Ali, A.
Djibo, H
Minoungou, B
Dinku ,T.
Platzer, B
[Improving resilience to climate impacts in West Africa through improved availability, access and use of climate information: dialog with users]
Improving resilience to climate impacts in West Africa through improved availability, access and use of climate information: dialog with users
The agricultural sector will be hit hard by climate change. More than 265 million people are
facing a five percent decrease in growing season duration in the next 40 years due to an
increasingly variable and hotter climate sweeping across the globe. Climate change will
affect all four aspects of ...
In sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, the limited availability of climate data and networks for sharing information can serve as a constraint to agricultural research and development. The lack of basic understanding of earth processes needed to detect flaws in climate models and decide how best t...
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[Beyond the climate science: CCAFS downscaled climate data applied by development agencies around the world]
Beyond the climate science: CCAFS downscaled climate data applied by development agencies around the world
Mobile phones are increasingly being used to provide smallholder farmers with agricultural
and related information. There is currently great interest in their scope to communicate
climate and weather information. Farmers consistently identify demand for weather
information and whilst ICTs may be ...
Caine, A
Dorward, P.
Clarkson, G.
Evans, N
Canales, C.
Stern, D.
Stern, R.
[Mobile applications for weather and climate information: their use and potential for smallholder farmers]
Mobile applications for weather and climate information: their use and potential for smallholder farmers
This is the report of the village baseline study of Zongoene Village, Bairro 1, in the CCAFS benchmark site of Xai Xai, Mozambique in May 2013 to complement an earlier household baseline survey done in the same village. Zongoene village is located by the coast at the mouth of the Limpopo River wh...
Onyango, Leah
Raimundo Finiasse, A
Mango, Joash
Wamubeyi, B.
Loo, L
Guambe, D
Michaque Manhique, H
Dixon, R.
[Village Baseline Study: Site Analysis Report for Xai Xai, Zongoene Village, Bairro 1, Mozambique]
Village Baseline Study: Site Analysis Report for Xai Xai, Zongoene Village, Bairro 1, Mozambique
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security
[AgTrials: Repurposing data for adaptation research]
AgTrials: Repurposing data for adaptation research
Córdova, R.
Tejada, S.
Salas, E.
Flores, M.
Simon, R.
Bonierbale, Merideth W.
Hualla, V.
[BIOMART: Integracion de datos genotipicos, fenotipicos y climaticos de papa experiencias en el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP).]
BIOMART: Integracion de datos genotipicos, fenotipicos y climaticos de papa experiencias en el Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP).
Many studies have found the influences of crop and livestock production vary considerably, not only regionally but also according to production system (Robinson et al. 2011). Globally, but particularly in Africa and Asia, crops and livestock are often interdependent and influence farmer household...
To effectively adapt to climate change, farmers, governments, and other stakeholders must understand the potential effects on crop and livestock production.
In Africa, where most agriculture is rainfed, crop growth is limited by water availability. Rainfall variability during a growing season generally translates into variability in crop production. While the seasonality of rainfall in the drier rangelands can play a significant role in productivity,...