A survey of the farmers in the semi-arid and humid areas of Los Altos de Jalisco, Mexico, was conducted to determine the constraints on bean yield in the area. Based on the information collected, the most important characteristics of the production systems of beans in monoculture and association ...
Con el fin de determinar los problemas que limitan el rendimiento del frijol en monocultivo y en asociacion con maiz, se encuestaron los agricultores de las regiones semiarida y humeda de los Altos de Jalisco, Mexico. Con base en la informacion recolectada se describen las caracteristicas mas imp...
Chavez C., J.R.
Flores L., H.E.
Aleman M., V.
Mier C., R.
Aceves R., J. de J.
Ledesma G., L.A.
Plascencia M., J.
Lépiz Ildefonso, Rogelio
[Avances del diagnostico de frijol en la zona de Los Altos de Jalisco, Mexico]
Avances del diagnostico de frijol en la zona de Los Altos de Jalisco, Mexico
Important agronomic characteristics of common root and tuber crop production systems in the tropics are indicated for crops including cassava, yam, sweet potato, and edible aroids. Brief comments are also included on aspects that help correctly interpret the information obtained during the charac...
Se indican las caracteristicas agronomicas de importancia en los sistemas comunes de produccion de cultivos de raices y tuberculos en el tropico, para los cultivos de yuca, name, batata y aroideas comestibles. Se comenta brevemente sobre aspectos que ayudan a interpretar correctamente la informac...
Moreno, R.A.
[Caracteristicas agronomicas de la produccion de raices y tuberculos: implicaciones para el diagnostico]
Caracteristicas agronomicas de la produccion de raices y tuberculos: implicaciones para el diagnostico
Research results on the use of OM to maintain soil fertility, with particular reference to bean crops in Africa, are reviewed. Aspects covered are (1) the role that soil OM plays in soil physical structure, chemical properties, and biological activities and (2) the different interactions of manag...
Characteristics of the major soil groups found in bean-growing areas of Africa (Alfisols, Ultisols, Oxisols, Inceptisols) and associated nutritional disorders are discussed. Soil fertility factors affecting bean growth and N fixation, as evidenced in research conducted in Africa, are reviewed as ...
Mughogho, SK
Wortmann, Charles S.
[Diagnosis of soil fertility constraints in bean based cropping systems: review of research results]
Diagnosis of soil fertility constraints in bean based cropping systems: review of research results
Results of research work carried out in Africa on the response of beans to NPK fertilizers, liming, S and other secondary/micronutrients, and organic manures are reviewed. Band or spot placement of P, fertilizer management in multiple crop systems, and correlations between soil data, yields, and ...
Wortmann, Charles S.
Zake, JYK
[Review of bean responses to applied fertilizers in Africa]
Review of bean responses to applied fertilizers in Africa
The potential impact and return to investment from introducing improved dualpurpose cowpea for food and fodder in northern Nigeria was investigated using a combination of farmers' workshops and village and household level surveys. Out of the 462 households surveyed, 41 % were adopters, 9% had bee...
Okike, I.
Kristjanson, Patricia M.
Tarawali, Shirley A.
Singh, B.B.
Kruska, R.L.
Mounyong, V.M.
[Potential adoption and diffusion of improved dual-purpose cowpea in the dry savannas of Nigeria: an evaluation using a combination of participatory and structured approaches]
Potential adoption and diffusion of improved dual-purpose cowpea in the dry savannas of Nigeria: an evaluation using a combination of participatory and structured approaches
Since the 1980s, along with many other countries, Sri Lanka rapidly embraced groundwater irrigation. At the same time, the government, externally funded projects and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) made bold efforts to promote water-saving technologies, such as drip and sprinkler irrigation ...
Aheeyar, Mohamed M.M.
Manthrithilake, Herath
Pathmarajah, S.
[Drivers of the adoption of farmer-innovated sprinkler irrigation systems: evidence from Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka]
Drivers of the adoption of farmer-innovated sprinkler irrigation systems: evidence from Kalpitiya, Sri Lanka
The most outstanding results of research on cassava at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) are presented and the extent to which they can be transferred or used under conditions present in Asia and the Pacific area is indicated, in particular, on physiology, var. improvement, ...
Obordo, RA
[The relevance of CIAT`s cassava researches in the Asian and Pacific Region]
The relevance of CIAT`s cassava researches in the Asian and Pacific Region
CIAT has developed a new intercropping technology (cassava/grain legume associations) that tries to solve the numerous problems that arise in traditional intercropping systems. High-yielding cassava cv. with an erect, late-branching growth habit are recommended to minimize intercrop competition. ...