In two-dimensional systems, dissipative vortices are described by a complex Ginzburg-Landau equation (CGLE) which has a universal character and describes such different systems as fluids, superfluids, superconductors, liquid crystals, granular media, magnetic media, and optical dielectrics, to me...
In this work, white dwarf (endpoint of the 95-98% of all stars in the universe) are studied. There are three sub-researches: Firstly, the pulsations occurring in the white dwarf G29-38 and how they can constrain the synthetic modelling of white dwarfs atmospheres in terms of the distribution of t...
Star formation is fundamental for the processes of planet formation and galaxy evolution. Here we present an analysis of the gas kinematics of the ISF, a massive filament hosting a young embedded cluster, in the Orion A cloud through observations of different molecular transitions. We derive kine...
La formación estelar es fundamental para los procesos de formación planetaria y evolución de galaxias. Aquí presentamos un análisis cinemático del gas molecular del filamento ISF, un filamento masivo que contiene un cúmulo joven, en la nube de Orión A, a través de observaciones de distintas trans...
In the present work, I study the morpho-kinematics of two moderate galaxy samples at
low- and high-redshift. I analyse the internal kinematics of these galaxies aiming to find
possible correlations between the kinematic state of the interstellar medium (ISM) and its
physical properties, includ...
In this work, the impact of different vehicle emission inventory scenarios on air quality in
the metropolitan areas of São Paulo, Baixada Santista, Vale do Paraíba, Sorocaba and
Campinas is investigated. The construction of bottom-up vehicular emissions inventories
is complex, being necessary to ...
Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are characterized by their time–variable continuum flux in every waveband in which they have been studied. However, we do not completely understand the mechanisms that drive such variations. In particular, we are missing significant details of how AGN variability at d...
Los núcleos activos de galaxias o AGN por su sigla en inglés, se caracterizan por su continuo variable en el tiempo en cada banda de frecuencias en la que se han estudiado. Sin embargo, aún no entendemos por completo los mecanismos que conducen a tales variaciones. En particular, no entendemos en...
The AdS / CFT duality is a concrete realization of the holographic principle. It is a very effective tool to extract information from strongly coupled gauge theories (in d-dimensions) of a classical gravitational theory (in d + 1 dimensions). Asymptotically black holes play an important role in u...
La dualidad AdS/CFT es una realización concreta del principio holográfico. Es una herramienta muy eficaz para extraer información de teorías gauge fuertemente acopladas (en d-dimensiones) de una teoría gravitacional clásica (en d+1 dimensiones). Los agujeros negros asintóticamente AdS juegan un r...
One of the main questions of Galactic astronomy is to understand the natural processes responsible for the formation and evolution of the Milky Way (MW). Most of the information needed to study the early stages of Galactic formation is contained in the halo and its substructures, because they are...
Una de las interrogantes más importantes en la astronomía Galáctica es entender los procesos responsables de la formación y evolución de la Vía Láctea. La mayor parte de la información para estudiar las etapas tempranas de formación Galáctica está contenida en el halo y sus subestructuras, domina...
This dissertation is devoted to the understanding of the dynamics of fronts that exhibit coexistence between stable and unstable state in heterogeneous media. With this purpose, we initiated our investigation with a simple model in a discrete medium that describes a chain of dissipative coupled p...