El presente documento tiene como objetivo sistematizar y cuantificar los incentivos y apoyos públicos que el gobierno otorga al sector productivo en Uruguay, siendo clasificados y analizados por área y sector de actividad. Para ello, se relevan todos los programas y reglamentaciones vigentes en e...
Tradicionalmente se acepta que el cambio estructural es la gran fuerza que sostiene el crecimiento en el largo plazo y que está por detrás de los casos exitosos de reducción de brechas tecnológicas entre las economías desarrolladas y en desarrollo. Este artículo ofrece algunas evidencias comparat...
El presente trabajo analiza la relación entre la evolución del tipo de cambio real y la dinámica del comercio exterior en las mayores economías de América del Sur (la Argentina, Bolivia, el Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, el Uruguay y la República Bolivariana de Venezuela) en la última dé...
Art and craft is considered to be an integral part of the tourism business, since it plays an important role as souvenirs and mementos, thereby spatially and temporarily expanding the visitor experience. It is also increasingly looked upon as an opportunity to diversify the tourism sector offerin...
Phillips, Willard
Indar, Delena
Thorne, Elizabeth
An analysis of the art and craft sector and its potential for sustainable tourism development in the Caribbean
This study focuses on the identification of the challenges and capacity constraints faced by enterprises in the sub-region in exploiting trade opportunities provided by Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) and Partial Scope Agreements (PSAs). It concentrates on the goods sector and case studies for Beliz...
McLean, Sheldon
Singh, Ranjit
Monitoring trade agreements: improving export performance and promoting industrialization in the goods-producing economies of the Caribbean
This study is intended to be exploratory in nature. It seeks a better understanding of i) how the OMU cluster emerged; ii) the characteristics of the offshore medical universities in the Caribbean cluster; iii) the contribution of the offshore medical universities to the economy of the host Carib...
Twelve years into the 21st Century, Caribbean countries continue to face considerable challenges on their path towards sustainable development and the creation of a post-2015 agenda. These include redefining their niche in the global market place in line with significant shifts in global producti...
This paper examines the key elements of a framework for Caribbean growth and development over the medium-term. The paper notes that while the Caribbean has made major adjustments in a challenging global environment, marked by slower demand, it needs to pursue a new sustainable development framewo...