Este documento, inserto en el proyecto "Programa de Transferencia Tecnológica para un desarrollo forestal sustentable de pequeños y medianos productores", financiado por el Fondo de Desarrollo e Innovación (FDI) de CORFO, es parte de una serie de documentos que pretende dar a conocer en forma sen...
Este documento es parte de una serie que pretende dar a conocer en forma sencilla y clara el procedimiento a seguir para el adecuado establecimiento de una plantación. así como los aspectos básicos que se deben tener presentes para que la decisión de forestar sea aplicable y adecuada a los objeti...
Invasions of nonnative plants into forests of the Southern United States continue to go unchecked and unmonitored. Invasive nonnative plants infest under and beside forest canopies and dominate small forest openings, increasingly eroding forest productivity, hindering forest use and management ac...
Miller, J.H.
[Nonnative invasive plants of Southern Forests. A field guide for identification and control]
Nonnative invasive plants of Southern Forests. A field guide for identification and control
García Araya, Rafael Andrés
[Efecto del fuego en el proceso de invasión de la retamilla (Cytisus monspessulanus L.)]
Efecto del fuego en el proceso de invasión de la retamilla (Cytisus monspessulanus L.)
Helgeson, Earl A.
[Informe al Gobierno de Chile sobre zarzamora (Rubus ulmifolius)]
Informe al Gobierno de Chile sobre zarzamora (Rubus ulmifolius)
The response of woody and herbaceous vegetation to site preparation, subsoil texture, and fertilization was measured on the West Gulf Coastal Plain. The influences of these treatments on competing vegetation were short-term. Drastic soil disturbance and fertilization briefly increased herbage pro...
Wolters, G.L.
Baldwin, V.C.
Martin Jr.,A.
Pearson, H.A.
Thill, R.E.
[Response of competing vegetation to site preparation on west gulf coastal plain commercial forest land]
Response of competing vegetation to site preparation on west gulf coastal plain commercial forest land
Douglas-fir seedlings on the Arcata Resource Area, Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Department of the Interior, in central coastal California, were released by chain sawing and grubbing competing vegetation around them at different frequencies (0, 2, and 3 grubbings) over a 5-year period. After 5 ...
McDonald, Philip M.
Fiddler, G.O.
Harrison, H.R.
[Repeated manual release in a young plantation: effect on douglas-fir seedlings, hardwoods, shrubs, forbs, and grasses]
Repeated manual release in a young plantation: effect on douglas-fir seedlings, hardwoods, shrubs, forbs, and grasses
On an average site in northern coastal California, a tanoak-mixed shrub community was given several treatments (manual release one, two, and three times; a combination chainsaw and cut surface chemical treatment; two foliar chemicals; and a tank mix of the two chemicals) to study its development ...
McDonald, Philip M.
Fiddler, G.O.
[Ecology and development of douglas-fir seedlings and associated plant species in a coast range plantation]
Ecology and development of douglas-fir seedlings and associated plant species in a coast range plantation
Carrera Sepulveda, Eduardo Jaime
[Control químico de malezas en una plantación nueva de Eucalyptus globulus Labill]
Control químico de malezas en una plantación nueva de Eucalyptus globulus Labill