United Nations Environment Programme
[Addressing the Used Vehicles Market: Potential Strategies for Importing and Exporting Countries to Improve Safety, Fuel Economy and Emissions Impacts - A Report of the Used Vehicles Working Group of the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV)]
Addressing the Used Vehicles Market: Potential Strategies for Importing and Exporting Countries to Improve Safety, Fuel Economy and Emissions Impacts - A Report of the Used Vehicles Working Group of the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV)
United Nations Environment Programme
[Environmental Aspects of the Motor Vehicle and its Use: An Overview]
Environmental Aspects of the Motor Vehicle and its Use: An Overview
Carrillo V., Jorge
Mortimore, Michael
Estrada, Jorge Alonso
El impacto de las empresas transnacionales en la reestructuración industrial de México: el caso de las industrias de partes para vehículos y de televisores