Assesses the yield and nutritive value of potential forage crops some of which are Avena sativa, Vigna unguiculata, Lablab purpureus, Vicia dasycarpa, Trifolium steudneri and Sesbania sesban when planted early under traditional and improved drainage systems on Vertisol and different time of harve...
Tedla, A.
Airaksinen, H.
Mohamed-Saleem, M.A.
[Effect of seedbed methods and time of harvest on the yield and nutritive value of some forage crops grown on Vertisol at Debre Zeit, Ethiopia]
Effect of seedbed methods and time of harvest on the yield and nutritive value of some forage crops grown on Vertisol at Debre Zeit, Ethiopia
Presents and discusses research results on feed resources, agroindustrial by-products utilisation, forage production, use of crop residues, dairy feeding systems, feeding strategies, introduction and adoption of improved forage technologies, nutritive value of different forages, effects of manage...
Dzowela, B.H.
Said, A.N.
Wendem-Agenehu, A.
Kategile, J.A.
[Utilization of research results on forage and agricultural by-product materials as animal feed resources in Africa. Proceedings of the first joint workshop]
Utilization of research results on forage and agricultural by-product materials as animal feed resources in Africa. Proceedings of the first joint workshop
L'analyse de la qualité microbiologique ont été réalisées sur les produits dérivés du manioc chikwangue, cossettes de manioc et farine de manioc au niveau du site de fabrication (Bas Congo et Bandundu) et dans les marchés de Kinshasa. Les analyses microbiologiques ont révélé la présence de la flo...
Mukandila, K.P.
Hell, K.
Hauser, S.
Lamboni, L.
Masimango, J.T.
[Qualité des produits dérivés du manioc prélevés au niveau des sites de fabrication et dans les marchés de Kinshasa, RD Congo]
Qualité des produits dérivés du manioc prélevés au niveau des sites de fabrication et dans les marchés de Kinshasa, RD Congo
Paíz Salgado, MA
Bustos Bejarano, I
Carrillo, P
Dauria Noguera, AC
Pachón, Helena
[Análisis sensorial de tres líneas de frijoles rojos mejorados nutricionalmente por jefes de familia Nicaraguenses]
Análisis sensorial de tres líneas de frijoles rojos mejorados nutricionalmente por jefes de familia Nicaraguenses
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[The Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) : Strengthening collaborative bean research in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1996-2000]
The Pan-Africa Bean Research Alliance (PABRA) : Strengthening collaborative bean research in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1996-2000
Heinritz, S
[Ensiling suitability of high protein tropical forages and their nutritional value for feeding pigs. Thesis (Agribiology)]
Ensiling suitability of high protein tropical forages and their nutritional value for feeding pigs. Thesis (Agribiology)
In this paper we are conducting an evaluation of the marketing development initiative for minor millets in the Kolli Hills by the concerned non-governmental organization. We analyze the recently-created market chain of minor millet crops along with the major actors involved, through a series of f...
Gruere, G.
Nagarajan, L.
Oliver King, E.D.I.
[Marketing underutilized plant species for the poor: a case study of minor millets in Kolli hills, Tamil Nadu, India]
Marketing underutilized plant species for the poor: a case study of minor millets in Kolli hills, Tamil Nadu, India
The overall objective of this study is to analyze constraints affecting the African garden egg market chain in Ghana. Furthermore, to identify the factors that help determine the success of market chain development of garden egg in Ghana; and to analyze the effect of market development on biodive...
Horna, D.
Timpo, S.
Gruère, G.
[Marketing underutilized crops: the case of the African garden egg (Solanum ethiopicum) in Ghana]
Marketing underutilized crops: the case of the African garden egg (Solanum ethiopicum) in Ghana
Summarises ILCA's findings over several years of research on the nutritive value of browse plants. Discusses nitrogen metabolism in ruminants and tannin chemistry. Examines the effect of browse on animals, i.e., feed intake, growth, digestion of fibre fractions and utilisation of nitrogen. Discus...
Woodward, A.
Reed, J.D.
[Influence des substances polyphenoliques sur la valeur nutritive des fourrages ligneux: Synthese de recherches menees par le CIPEA]
Influence des substances polyphenoliques sur la valeur nutritive des fourrages ligneux: Synthese de recherches menees par le CIPEA
La chaya, conocida también como espinaca Maya por sus propiedades nutricionales, es un super alimento ancestral de Guatemala. Este libro presenta una variedad de recetas para usar este cultivo sabroso y versátil.