Important agronomic characteristics of common root and tuber crop production systems in the tropics are indicated for crops including cassava, yam, sweet potato, and edible aroids. Brief comments are also included on aspects that help correctly interpret the information obtained during the charac...
Se indican las caracteristicas agronomicas de importancia en los sistemas comunes de produccion de cultivos de raices y tuberculos en el tropico, para los cultivos de yuca, name, batata y aroideas comestibles. Se comenta brevemente sobre aspectos que ayudan a interpretar correctamente la informac...
Moreno, R.A.
[Caracteristicas agronomicas de la produccion de raices y tuberculos: implicaciones para el diagnostico]
Caracteristicas agronomicas de la produccion de raices y tuberculos: implicaciones para el diagnostico
Major weeds affecting bean crops and their control are examined. The following aspects are also included: (1) classification of weeds; (2) problems caused regarding production; (3) effect of competition; (4) agro-economic aspects and relationship with other cultural practices; (5) weed control me...
Fuentes de Piedrahíta, Cilia L.
[Manejo y control de las malezas en el cultivo del frijol]
Manejo y control de las malezas en el cultivo del frijol
The main objectives of this expt. were to study the optimum dosage of the preemergence herbicide, oxyfluorfen, on different soil types by evaluating the chemical injury on cassava leaves; investigate the relationship between the diameter of the cutting and the initial growth; analyze aspects of m...
Kano, Y
Leihner, D.E.
[Optimum dosage of a new preemergence herbicide oxifluorfen (Commercial name GOAL) on the cassava planted in different soil types]
Optimum dosage of a new preemergence herbicide oxifluorfen (Commercial name GOAL) on the cassava planted in different soil types
Observations and recommendations on the use of the herbicide oxyfluorfen are included on the basis of research conducted at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) on its efficiency in selective weed control in cassava, effect on yield, rates of application, and possible combinati...
Leihner, D.E.
Domínguez, J.
Kano, Y
López, J.
[Recomendaciones para el uso del nuevo herbicida pre-emergente "GOAL" en yuca]
Recomendaciones para el uso del nuevo herbicida pre-emergente "GOAL" en yuca
In Mondomo, state of Cauca (Colombia), a socioeconomic survey was made of the 7 famers in the area that participated in the program of demonstration plots. In general terms the educational level is varied, the majority (6) are full-time farmers who have lived in the area greater than 10 yr and ha...
International Center for Tropical Agriculture
[Informe sobre siembra y evaluacion de germinacion de las parcelas sembradas en Mondomo (Cauca) en mayo de 1979 por el Programa de Economia de Yuca : Proyecto conjunto de ensayo y validacion de tecnologia (CIAT-ICA)]
Informe sobre siembra y evaluacion de germinacion de las parcelas sembradas en Mondomo (Cauca) en mayo de 1979 por el Programa de Economia de Yuca : Proyecto conjunto de ensayo y validacion de tecnologia (CIAT-ICA)
La Colorada, on the North Coast of Colombia, was chosen by CIAT to study new technology validation in cassava. Trials measured the productivity of improved cassava production technology under actual field conditions, defined factors limiting cassava yields that may have been overlooked in the des...
Research was conducted at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) in 1980 in order to solve the problem of low cassava yields in Loja, Ecuador, Objectives were: (1) to determine the effect of vertical and horizontal plantings of cuttings on the emergence and competitive vigor of c...
Anzules T, V
[Efecto de la posicion de la estaca, niveles de control de malezas y arreglo espacial sobre competencia entre malezas y yuca y el rendimiento de la yuca, variedad M Col 22]
Efecto de la posicion de la estaca, niveles de control de malezas y arreglo espacial sobre competencia entre malezas y yuca y el rendimiento de la yuca, variedad M Col 22
Loumedjinon, S.
Baimey, H.
James, B.
[Locally available botanical alternatives to chemical pesticides against rootknot nematode pests of carrot (Daucus carota) in Benin]
Locally available botanical alternatives to chemical pesticides against rootknot nematode pests of carrot (Daucus carota) in Benin
The herbicides dalapon, glyphosate, paraquat, MSMA, and diuron were evaluated for their postemergence selectivity in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Four methods of application were also tested: with a shield, directed without a shield, and hitting the lower 25 or 50 percent of the plant. In ...
Piedrahíta Castañeda, Wilson
Doll, J.
[Herbicidas postemergentes en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) selectividad, metodos de aplicacion e interaccion con edad]
Herbicidas postemergentes en yuca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) selectividad, metodos de aplicacion e interaccion con edad