This report captures a process of shared South-South learning and planning towards defining
priorities for strengthening and scaling-up climate information and advisory services for
agriculture and food security in West Africa, Eastern and Southern Africa, and South Asia.
The process began at ...
Sivakumar, MVK
Collins, C
Jay, A.
Hansen, James
[Regional priorities for strengthening climate services for farmers in Africa and South Asia]
Regional priorities for strengthening climate services for farmers in Africa and South Asia
Usually the agricultural sector, and in particular farmers, are highly vulnerable to risks due to high variability in climatic conditions and to market uncertainties. The farmer s exposure to risk and uncertainty is often aggravated by lack of information about weather, inputs, farm management pr...
Mittal, Surabhi
[Modern ICT for Agricultural Development and Risk Management in Smallholder Agriculture in India.]
Modern ICT for Agricultural Development and Risk Management in Smallholder Agriculture in India.
Kengoum Djiegni, F.
Tiani, A.M.
[Adaptation and mitigation policies in Cameroon: pathways of synergy]
Adaptation and mitigation policies in Cameroon: pathways of synergy
Pramova, E.
Locatelli, Bruno
Liss, B
Ignacio, G.B
Villamor, M
Sumaylo, V.E.
[Integrating adaptation into REDD+: potential impacts and social return on investment in Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines]
Integrating adaptation into REDD+: potential impacts and social return on investment in Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines
Pramova, E.
Locatelli, Bruno
Mench, A
Marbyanto, E
Kartika, K
Prihatmaja, H.
[Integrating adaptation into REDD+: potential impacts and social return on investment in Setulang, Malinau District, Indonesia]
Integrating adaptation into REDD+: potential impacts and social return on investment in Setulang, Malinau District, Indonesia
Kengoum Djiegni, F.
Tiani, A.M.
[Politiques d’adaptation et d’atténuation au Cameroun: pistes de synergies]
Politiques d’adaptation et d’atténuation au Cameroun: pistes de synergies
Cattle production is an important economic activity throughout Central America. Dairy production, in particular, is an important activity for many smallholder farmers in Costa Rica and across the Central America region. Women’s role in cattle production tends to be poorly valued and recognized, h...
Gallina, Ambra
[Gender dynamics in the cattle sector in Central America: A literature review]
Gender dynamics in the cattle sector in Central America: A literature review
Los estudios del poder e influencia permiten identificar quién o quiénes son los actores cuyas ideas e intereses prevalecen en la toma de decisiones. Además, indican cómo se entiende y se posiciona en la agenda una problemática determinada y la forma en la que ésta se podría resolver. Estas inves...
Castro Colina, Libertad
Sova, Chase
Martínez Barón, Deissy
Saravia, Danilo
[Mapeo de la influencia de los actores sociales de diferente nivel para Centroamérica: cambio climático y agricultura]
Mapeo de la influencia de los actores sociales de diferente nivel para Centroamérica: cambio climático y agricultura
Dissanayake, Sahan T. M.
Beyene, Abebe Damte
Bluffstone, Randall
Gebreegziabher, Zenebe
Martinsson, Peter
Mekonnen, Alemu
Toman, Michael
Vieider, Ferdinand M.
[ Preferences for REDD+ Contract Attributes in Low-Income Countries , A Choice Experiment in Ethiopia ]