If illegal logging was a crime involving only poor forest-dependent people, truck drivers or underpaid forest rangers, it would not be difficult to stop. With involvement of financiers of illegal logging, known as cukong, legal timber industries, and government officers, illegal logging becomes a...
Setiono, B.
Husein, Y.
[Memerangi kejahatan kehutanan dan mendorong prinsip kehati-hatian perbankan untuk mewujudkan pengelolaan hutan yang berkelanjutan: pendekatan anti pencucian uang]
Memerangi kejahatan kehutanan dan mendorong prinsip kehati-hatian perbankan untuk mewujudkan pengelolaan hutan yang berkelanjutan: pendekatan anti pencucian uang
The study attempted to understand the dynamics and complexities of forest resources management following decentralization, the interactions among stakeholders in forest resources management, and the impacts of the new legislation on local community livelihoods in Sintang District, West Kalimantan...
Yasmi, Y.
Anshari, G.Z.
Alqadrie, S.
Budiarto, T.
Abidin, E.
Komarudin, H.
McGrath, S.
[Kompleksitas pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan di era otonomi daerah: studi kasus di Kabupaten Sintang, Kalimantan Barat]
Kompleksitas pengelolaan sumberdaya hutan di era otonomi daerah: studi kasus di Kabupaten Sintang, Kalimantan Barat
Cronkleton, P.
Pacheco, P.
Ibargüen, R.
Albornoz, M.A.
[Reformas en la tenencia forestal en Bolivia: La gestión comunal en las tierras bajas]
Reformas en la tenencia forestal en Bolivia: La gestión comunal en las tierras bajas
This book presents a technical review of ecological and life history information on a range of Bornean wildlife species, aimed at identifying what makes these species sensitive to timber harvesting practices and associated impacts. It addresses three audiences: 1) those involved in assessing and ...
Meijaard, E.
Sheil, Douglas
Nasi, Robert
Augeri, D.
Rosenbaum, B.
Iskandar, D.
Setyawati, T.
Lammertink, A.
Rachmatika, I.
Wong, A.
Soehartono, T.
Stanley, S.
O'Brien, T.
[Hutan pasca pemanenan: melindungi satwa liar dalam kegiatan hutan produksi di Kalimantan]
Hutan pasca pemanenan: melindungi satwa liar dalam kegiatan hutan produksi di Kalimantan
This occasional paper is the result of research carried out from 2006 to 2008 on the effects of new tenure rights for forest-based communities in Latin America on access to forest resources and benefits. Focused on seven different regions in four countries, the paper examines changes in statutory...
Larson, A.M.
Cronkleton, P.
Barry, D.M.
Pacheco, P.
[Más allá de los derechos de tenencia: El acceso comunitario a los recursos forestales en América Latina]
Más allá de los derechos de tenencia: El acceso comunitario a los recursos forestales en América Latina
Indonesia contains some of the world's most biodiverse and threatened forests. The challenges result from both long-term management problems and the political, social, and economic turmoil of the past few years. This book explores recent events in Indonesia, while focusing on what can be done dif...
Colfer, C.J.P.
Resosudarmo, I.A.P.
[Which way forward?: people, forests, and policymaking in Indonesia]
Which way forward?: people, forests, and policymaking in Indonesia
Technology will help to address the challenges for sustainable forestry in the 21st century. Some of the challenges will include the shift of production from native forest to plantations in areas of comparative advantage, more efficient processing delinking end-use products from raw wood characte...
Sayer, Jeffrey A.
Vanclay, J.K.
Byron, R.N.
[Technologies for sustainable forest management: challenges for the 21st century. Commonwealth Forestry Congress, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, May 1997]
Technologies for sustainable forest management: challenges for the 21st century. Commonwealth Forestry Congress, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, May 1997
In tropical forests, RIL has been tested and appliedon a small scale for more than a decade. Various timber-producing countries in Asia and the Pacific have recognized its potential for advancing sustainable forest management. Yet many questions remain and the lack of sound and appropriate inform...
Enters, T.
Durst, P.B.
Applegate, G.
Kho, P.C.S.
Man, G.
[Applying reduced impact logging to advance sustainable forest management: international conference proceedings 26 February to 1 March 2001, Kuching, Malaysia]
Applying reduced impact logging to advance sustainable forest management: international conference proceedings 26 February to 1 March 2001, Kuching, Malaysia
Sabogal, C.
Sobrevilla, V.
[Monitoreo de operaciones de manejo forestal en Concesiones con fines maderables de la Amazonia peruana]
Monitoreo de operaciones de manejo forestal en Concesiones con fines maderables de la Amazonia peruana
This book provides a comprehensive, global synthesis of current knowledge on the potential and challenges associated with the multiple roles, use, management and marketing of non-timber forest products (NTFPs). There has been considerable research and policy effort surrounding NTFPs over the last...
Shackleton, S.
Shackleton, Charlie M.
Shanley, P.
[Non-timber forest products in the global context]
Non-timber forest products in the global context