Given the catastrophic decline in forest cover, the question of how to maintain forest biodiversity in managed “forest-like” land-use systems becomes a crucial question. This study focuses on the changes over time in forest structure and composition in two agroforestry systems subjected to contin...
García Fernandez, C.
Casado, M.A.
[Forest recovery in managed agroforestry systems: the case of benzoin and rattan gardens in Indonesia]
Forest recovery in managed agroforestry systems: the case of benzoin and rattan gardens in Indonesia
Growing trees outside forests can generate rural income and rehabilitate degraded lands. The characteristics of existing smallholder tree growing in the Amazon and how much it contributes to livelihoods, however, remains largely unknown. Field surveys in Brazil, Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador were con...
Hoch, L.
Pokorny B.
Jong, W. de
[How successful is tree growing for smallholders in the Amazon?]
How successful is tree growing for smallholders in the Amazon?
Coconut-based agroforestry systems have a central role in livelihoods on Malo Island in the South Pacific. These mixed plantations provide households with both food and a cash income, thanks to the association in space and time of root crops, vegetables, and cash crops (coconut, cocoa and vanilla...
Feintrenie, L.
Ollivier, J
Enjalric, F
[How to take advantage of a new crop?: the experience of Melanesian smallholders]
How to take advantage of a new crop?: the experience of Melanesian smallholders
Indonesia has been the world’s largest producer and exporter of palm oil since 2008. This paper discussed the livelihood impacts of oil palm development in Indonesia, based on lessons learnt from Bungo district, in the province of Jambi. The various community-company partnerships that structure t...
Feintrenie, L.
Chong, W.K.
Levang, P.
[Why do Farmers Prefer Oil Palm? Lessons Learnt from Bungo District, Indonesia]
Why do Farmers Prefer Oil Palm? Lessons Learnt from Bungo District, Indonesia
Villamor, G.
Akiefnawati, R.
Noordwijk, Meine van
Desrianti, F.
Pradhan, U.
[Land use change and shifts in gender roles in central Sumatra, Indonesia]
Land use change and shifts in gender roles in central Sumatra, Indonesia
We examine five forested landscapes in Africa (Cameroon, Madagascar, and Tanzania) and Asia (Indonesia and Laos) at different stages of landscape change. In all five areas, forest cover (outside of protected areas) continues to decrease despite local people’s recognition of the importance of fore...
Pfund, J.L.
Watts, J.D.
Boissiere, M.
Boucard, A.
Bullock, R.M.
Ekadinata, A.
Dewi, S.
Feintrenie, L.
Levang, P.
Rantala, S.
Sheil, Douglas
Sunderland, T.C.H.
[Understanding and integrating local perceptions of trees and forests into incentives for sustainable landscape management]
Understanding and integrating local perceptions of trees and forests into incentives for sustainable landscape management
Local communities, especially those living in forested areas, are generally presented as innocent victims of global economic policies that benefit the private and public sectors. This paper discusses local stakeholders’ perception of the government policies and actions, people’s rights, and peopl...
Feintrenie, L.
Levang, P.
[Local voices call for economic development over forest conservation: Trade-offs and policy in Bungo, Sumatra]
Local voices call for economic development over forest conservation: Trade-offs and policy in Bungo, Sumatra
Se evaluaron el uso de recursos y la sostenibilidad de tres sistemas agroforestales (bosque secundario-
BS, tala y quema-TQ y sistema conservacionista Quesungual-SAQ). Se utilizaron datos de 15 parcelas
de 200 m² ubicadas entre 14º 05 N y 88º 30 W y transformicidades reportadas en otros estud...
Ferreira Catrileo, OI
Hurtado, MP
García, E.
Bonilla Correa, C.R.
Rao, Idupulapati M.
[Emergía de tres sistemas agroforestales en el sur del municipio de Lempira, Honduras = Emergy of tree agroforestry system in southern Lempira, Honduras]
Emergía de tres sistemas agroforestales en el sur del municipio de Lempira, Honduras = Emergy of tree agroforestry system in southern Lempira, Honduras
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support from the University of Saskatchewan as tuition for the first author and the Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) via the strategic grant from Dr. Vic Timmer for the woodlot research in Tanzania. Also, extra thanks ...
Osei, A.
Kimaro, Anthony A.
Peak, D.
Gillespie, A.
VanRees, K.
[Soil carbon stocks in planted woodlots and Ngitili systems in Shinyanga, Tanzania.]
Soil carbon stocks in planted woodlots and Ngitili systems in Shinyanga, Tanzania.