Introduction: The last edition of the WHO "Oral Health Questionnaire for Children" was published in 2013. This is an only-English version, and as such it requires linguistic adaptation and validation to be applied in the Chilean population. Objectives: To translate and adapt the WHO Oral Health Q...
Villalobos, J.P.
Cueto, A.
Espinoza, S.
[Transcultural adaptation of the who oral health questionnaire and its validation in chilean children]
Transcultural adaptation of the who oral health questionnaire and its validation in chilean children
Listeria monocytogenes is the causative agent of listeriosis, which is an uncommon but severe infection associated with high mortality rates in humans especially in high-risk groups. This bacterium survives a variety of stress conditions (e.g., high osmolality, low pH), which allows it to coloniz...
Toledo, V.
Den Bakker, H.C.
Hormazábal, J.C.
González-Rocha, G.
Bello-Toledo, H.
Toro, M.
Moreno-Switt, A.I.
[Genomic diversity of listeria monocytogenes isolated from clinical and non-clinical samples in Chile]
Genomic diversity of listeria monocytogenes isolated from clinical and non-clinical samples in Chile
School achievement gaps and school failure are problematic issues in Latin America, and are mainly explained by the socio-economic status (SES) of the students. What schools can do to improve school achievement and reduce school failure is a critical issue, both for school management and teacher ...
López, V.
Oyanedel, J.C.
Bilbao, M.
Torres, J.
Oyarzún, D.
Morales, M.
Ascorra, P.
Carrasco, C.
[School Achievement and Performance in Chilean High Schools: The Mediating Role of Subjective Wellbeing in School-Related Evaluations]
School Achievement and Performance in Chilean High Schools: The Mediating Role of Subjective Wellbeing in School-Related Evaluations
RESUMEN. El congrio colorado Genypterus chilensis (Guichenot, 1848) es un pez altamente demandado por el mercado chileno. Las capturas han disminuido y mantenido bajo 1.000 ton anuales en la década 2000-2010 con un precio de US$7 kg-1. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el crecimiento de juv...
ABSTRACT. The cusk eel Genypterus chilensis (Guichenot, 1848) is a fish demanded by the Chilean market. Their catches have remained under 1,000 ton per year in the decade 2000-2010, at a price of US$7 kg-1. The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth of first generation juveniles produced by...
Vega, Rolando
Estrada, Juan Manuel
Ramírez, Diego
Flores, Camila
Zamorano, José
Encina, Francisco
Mardones, Alfonso
Valdebenito, Iván
Dantagnan, Patricio
[Growth of cusk eel Genypterus chilensis juveniles in culture conditions]
[Crecimiento de juveniles de congrio colorado Genypterus chilensis en condiciones de cultivo]
Crecimiento de juveniles de congrio colorado Genypterus chilensis en condiciones de cultivo
Adesmia resinosa (Phil. ex Reiche) Martic. es un arbusto endémico de Chile central, declarado especie rara en el Libro Rojo de la Flora Terrestre de Chile (Benoit 1989). Recientemente ha sido propuesta en categoría "En Peligro Crítico" (CR) según el Reglamento de Clasificación de Especies (Minist...
Flores-Toro, Lorena
Amigo, Javier
[New locality in Chile for Adesmia resinosa (Phil. ex Reiche) Martic. (Fabaceae)]
[Nueva localidad en Chile para Adesmia resinosa (Phil. ex Reiche) Martic. (Fabaceae)]
Nueva localidad en Chile para Adesmia resinosa (Phil. ex Reiche) Martic. (Fabaceae)
The hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata; Critically Endangered) has a circumtropical distribution. In Polynesia it inhabits the waters of a great number of islands; however, up to date there are no official records for Easter Island. We document the first report of E. imbricata in Easter Isl...
Álvarez-Varas, Rocío
Flores, Marcelo
Demangel, Diego
García, Michel
Sallaberry-Pincheira, Nicole
[Primer reporte confirmado de Tortuga Carey Eretmochelys imbricata en aguas costeras de Isla de Pascua (Rapa Nui)]
[First confirmed report of Hawksbill Sea Turtle Eretmochelys imbricata in nearshore waters of Easter Island (Rapa Nui)]
First confirmed report of Hawksbill Sea Turtle Eretmochelys imbricata in nearshore waters of Easter Island (Rapa Nui)
ABSTRACT. The current study examined the nutrient uptake efficiency of Ulva lactuca and Gracilaria chilensis cultivated in tanks associated with the wastewater of a land-based abalone culture. The experiments evaluated different seaweed stocking densities (1200, 1900, 2600, and 3200 g m-2) and wa...
Resumen: Se analizó la eficiencia de captación de nutrientes de Ulva lactuca y Gracilaria chilensis, cultivadas en estanques asociados a aguas de desecho proveniente de un cultivo del abalón rojo Haliotis rufescens. Los experimentos consideraron evaluar diferentes densidades de cultivo de algas (...
Macchiavello, Juan
Bulboa, Cristian
[Eficiencia de absorción de nutrientes de Gracilaria chilensis y Ulva lactuca en un sistema multitrófico integrado con el abalón rojo Haliotis rufescens]
[Nutrient uptake efficiency of Gracilaria chilensis and Ulva lactuca in an IMTA system with the red abalone Haliotis rufescens]
Nutrient uptake efficiency of Gracilaria chilensis and Ulva lactuca in an IMTA system with the red abalone Haliotis rufescens
Introduction: Rabies is a lethal but preventable disease. Knowing the extent of immunization coverage among at risk populations, may help to guide immunization efforts, as well as increase the effectiveness of rabies control and prevention programs. Aim: To determine the proportion of wildlife ve...
Introducción: La rabia es una enfermedad infecciosa mortal pero prevenible. Establecer si existe una adecuada inmunización pre-exposición contra la rabia en un grupo de riesgo, puede ayudar a enfocar los esfuerzos de inmunización para hacer efectivos los programas de control y prevención de la en...
Escobar, Luis E.
Yung, Verónica
Vargas-Rodríguez, Renzo
Medina-Vogel, Gonzalo
Favi, Myriam
[Wildlife veterinarians rabies vaccination in Chile: a survey]
[Encuesta sobre vacunación anti-rábica en veterinarios de fauna silvestre en Chile]
Encuesta sobre vacunación anti-rábica en veterinarios de fauna silvestre en Chile
Se realizaron muestreos de sedimento en tres áreas relacionadas con el uso de pinturas anti-incrustantes en la salmonicultura en el sur de Chile, con el fin de detectar alteraciones en la abundancia o diversidad de la macrofauna bentónica debidas a la acumulación de metales como Cu y Zn en los se...
Sediment samples were taken in three areas related to the use of antifouling paints in salmon farming in southern Chile, in order to detect changes in the abundance and diversity of benthic macrofauna due to the accumulation of metals such as Cu and Zn in sediments. The results show that if there...
Vera, Rodrigo
Duarte, Cristián
Pinilla, Elías
Murillo, Vladimir
Oyarzún, Marina
Aroca, Gésica
[Identification and evaluation of components present in antifouling paints used in aquaculture, and its possible effects on marine sediments of southern Chile]
[Determinación y evaluación de los componentes presentes en las pinturas anti-incrustantes utilizadas en la acuicultura y sus posibles efectos en sedimentos marinos en el sur de Chile]
Determinación y evaluación de los componentes presentes en las pinturas anti-incrustantes utilizadas en la acuicultura y sus posibles efectos en sedimentos marinos en el sur de Chile
Darwin's fox (Lycalopex fulvipes Martin, 1837) is an endemic of the temperate forests of the Coastal Range of southern Chile, that was reported by Charles Darwin in 1834 in southern Chiloé Island (42° S, 74° W; Martin 1837). Initially known exclusively from that island, it was considered both an ...
Farias, Ariel A
Sepúlveda, Maximiliano A
Silva-Rodríguez, Eduardo A
Eguren, Antonieta
González, Danilo
Jordán, Natalia I
Ovando, Erwin
Stowhas, Paulina
Svensson, Gabriella L
[A new population of Darwin's fox (Lycalopex fulvipes) in the Valdivian Coastal Range]
A new population of Darwin's fox (Lycalopex fulvipes) in the Valdivian Coastal Range